
Jan 17, 2005 02:00

First best friend: Sarah P
First car: muh honda--still got it lol
First screen name: crazydazi13 lol i think?
First funeral: My Grandpa
First pets: My dog..i think its name was blackie ha
First piercing: My Ears When I was like 3 months old
First credit card: psh i wish i had one
First true love: no comment

Last cigarette: few days ago
Last car ride: earlier today
Last good cry: ...few moments ago
Last library book checked out: Idk..
Last movie seen: Napoleon Dynomite
Last phone call: Brandon<3
Last time showered: This afternoon
Last shoes worn: black converses
Last cd played: my chemical romance
Last item bought: uh food from mcdonalds
Last annoyance: My brother & liars.
Last disappointment: The Thought Of Never getting over someone
Last time feeling really really sad: Few weeks ago
Last shirt worn: This one i'm wearing
Last website visited: lookin for an icon
Last word you said: on the phone? would be i love you too, bye

What is in your cd player?: a Mixed C.D.
What color socks are you wearing?: white
What's under your bed?: Nothing Really
What time did you wake up today?: 2:30 lol

Current mood: alright i guess
Current music: the heater running lol
Current hair: the one on my head?
Current clothes: pj's and a hoodie
Current annoyance(s): People. No Comment On Who.
Current desktop picture: hearts have thorns
Current book(s): "someone like you"
Current time-wasting wish: huh?
Current hate: ..Brittany Springs

One or the Other
Black or white?: black
Boxers or briefs: Boxers
Coke or Pepsi?: pepsi
Salt or pepper?: Salt
Sweet or sour?: Both
Vanilla or chocolate?: Both
Short or long?: both
Cheap or expensive?: depends
Firm or soft?: Soft
Hot or cold?: Cold

My favorite...
Color is: Black, hot pink, & green
Song is: I have alot
Scent is: idk
Food is: MEXICAN!!!

Name 5 things you are wearing right now---
1. black bam hoodie
2. pj's from oldnavy
3. Hemp Necklace
4. my BRA
5. sum socks

5 things you did so far today---
1. Slept
2. Watched Tv
3. Listened to music
4. went to town
5. Talked on the phone

5 things you can hear right now---
1. The T.V
2. the heater
3. my brother snoring
4. cars going by
5. Me Typing

5 things you do when your bored---
1. Talk on the phone
2. Listen to music
3. Watch T.V.
4. Go outside
5. sleep

5 people that never fail to cheer you up---
1. Brandon<3
2. LeAnna
3. David
4. Donna
5. Jonathan

5 things you can't live without---
1. My Friends
2. My Family
3. Brandon
4. Food & Water
5. Somewhere to live
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