can u tell im bored..?

Jul 15, 2004 19:19

Yes or No
x. you keep a diary - a journal other than this one
x. you like to cook - yes. i like baking better
x. you have a secret you have not shared with anyone - um..i dont think so
x. you fold your underwear - not usually..just take it and throw it in my drawer
x. you talk in your sleep - if i do...i wake up right away.
x. you set your watch a few minutes ahead - no. i put the exact time.
x. you bite your fingernails - sometimes
x. you believe in love - yea i guess

x. movie you rented - wow i really dont remember.
x. movie you bought - dont buy my own lol...other ppl buy them for me
x. song you listened to - get out(leave)- JoJo
x. song that was stuck in your head - get out (leave)-JoJo
x. song you've downloaded - this isnt my computer...
x. CD you bought - dont buy those either...just burn em
x. CD you listened to - a mixed one
x. person you've called - beth
x. person that's called you - mom
x. TV show you've watched - Full House

x. you wish you could live somewhere else - sometimes
x. you think about suicide - not doing it...just sometimes wishin to die...
x. you believe in online dating - um NO
x. others find you attractive - well ppl have and still do liek me so i would say YES
x. you want more tattoos - dont have any but i want just one..
x. you drink - occasionally
x. you do drugs - ...
x. you smoke - its not a habit
x. you like cleaning - i liek cleaning other things besides my f'n room
x. you like roller coasters - GOTTA LUV EM
x. you carry a donor card - uhhh no
x. ever cried over a boy/girl - yeah
x. ever lied to someone - yea lots of times
x. ever been in a fist fight - yeah
x. ever been arrested - deffinately not and i dont plan on it either

x. shampoo do you use - usually suave or pantene
x. perfume do you use - curve, ralph, dream more, morning glory...
x. shoes do you wear - right now, old anvy flip flops...every color lol...but usually sneakers
x. are you scared of - family memebrs dying, not making it in life, um i dont know what else

You Stuff
x. What is your full name? - not putting it in here
x. Spell your name backwards - noo
x. Date of birth - February 10, 1989
x. Male or female? - female
x. Astrological sign - ever u spell that
x. Nicknames - lyshia, lysh, lyshy, alysh, lulu, a squared, double A, brainy smerf, poopie doo, squirt, uhh i dont know what else

x. Occupation? - sophmore
x. Height - 5' unfortunately there is liek a family trait of being SHORT
x. Hair color - diRRty blonde
x. Eye color - haZel
x. Age - 15
x. Pets -
x. Piercings? - my ears...5 all together
x. Tattoos? - none
x. Shoe size - boys-3or 4...girls-5
x. Righty or lefty? - righty
x. Wearing - scrubs and white tee
x. Hearing - my family outside freaken cuttin down a tree lol and someone else mowing there lawn
x. Feeling - sick
x. Eating/drinking - lifesavers:wint-o-green

x. Have you ever been in love? - wouldnt call it love
x. How many people have you told "I love you"? - couple
x. have you ever been in lust? - yesss..right now
x. How many people have you kissed? - plenty lol..theres no # for that
x. Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex? - uh no
x. What do you look for in a guy/girl? - good personality, looks, way they treat me and other ppl, stuff liek that
x. What's the first thing you notice about looks on the opposite sex? - i would have to say eyes and smile
x. What type of guy do you usually go for? - funny, cute, trouble makers lol, sweet
x. Do you have a bf? - no...still waiting
x. If so where did you meet them? - the person im waiting for...i met him at my old camp lol
x. What do you like most about your bf? - well i liek everythign about that person that i was talking about
x. Do you have a crush right now? -- YES, yes i do
x. If so who is it? --A L E X
x. Do you believe in love at first sight? -- i dunno
x. Who is the first person you kissed? -- hmmmthis kid michael from elemantary school lol
x. Do you believe in fate? - suree
x. Do you believe in soul mates? - yeah

Family Stuff
x. How many siblings do you have? - 2 brothers and "2 step sister" but i dont consider them anything to me
x. What are your parents names? - Gayle and Peter
x. How many siblings does your mother have? - 4
x. How many siblings does your father have? - 3
x. What is you're nationality? - Italian, Irish, and some French
x. Is your family close? - not the whole family...but certain ppl are
x. Does your family get together for holidays? - yeah..the different sides though (parents are divorced)
x. Do you have a drunk uncle? - yeah
x. Any medical problems run through your family? um asthma(dads side)...and i think some heart stuff(moms side) oh and exima(dads side) however u spell that
x. Does someone in your family wear a toupee? -haha im gonna find somebody who does.. i dont think n e one does though
x. Do you have any nieces or nephews? - nope but soon will ( i better)
x. Are your parents divorced? - yess

Music Stuff
x. What song do you swear was written about you or your life? - dont know, theres a couple
x. What's the most embarrasing cd you own? - im not embarrassed of my cd's
x. What's the best cd you own? - dont haev a best...i dont really care about them
x. What song do you absolutely hate? - hmmm i dont know ill have to think
x. Do you sing in the shower? - not too loud lol

x. Color - dont have a favorite...but i like pastel colors...the baby colors
x. Food - lots of stuff...its not just food though its MEALS
x. Show - friends
x. School subject - english
x. Animal - kittens, puppies...n e thign small and cute
x. Outfit - uh thats stupid...whatever i put on
x. Movie - damn thers too many
x. Pair of shoes - i like all of them haha
x. Cartoon - rugrats or spongebob...
x. Actor - jim carey, adam sandler, chris tucker...
x. Actress - uhh marykate and ashley lol
x. Potato chip - doritos
x. Drink - propel-strawbeyy kiwi, iced tea, sprite, um...crystal light stuff i dont know
x. Holiday - Christmas and thanksgiving
x. Pizza topping - Cheese
x. Jello flavor - hate jello
x. Lunch meat - HAM
x. Board game - i have to think abotu that...OH WAIT candy land lol
x. Website - who cares
x. Book - A Child Called 'It', The lost boy, Speak, and the chicken soup for the teenage soul books
x. Computer game - i don't play computer games
x. Number - 2!
x. Cereal - CINNOMAN TOAST CRUNCH, honey bunches of oats (no almonds), i think thats it actually...i liek others but those r my favs.
x. Dessert - ice cream, cake, ICECREAM CAKE lol, pies...n e thing i love a sweets person
x. Character - winnie the pooh, patrick frmo spongebob, um..angelica from rugrats, i love everyone from friends, tons of ppl lol
x. Clothing store - RAVE, DEBS, Filenes, Sears, RAinbows, DEMO, yeah..
x. Pastime - too many of them
x. Teacher - Mrs, calcagni, mrs dillon, miss randall, mrs pechie, mr jennings(assistant principal) hm...oh yeah mrs pulsifer...
x. Childhood toy - Teddy! and barbies
x. Carnival game/ride - fast ones
x. Candy bar - snickers/reeses peanut butter cups.
x. Magazine - Cosmo Girl, seventeen...stuff like that
x. Salad dressing - Ranch, italian(homemade)
x. Thing to do on the weekend - just be with friends.. no matter what we do it's always fun!
x. Hot drink - tea, or hot chocolate
x. Season - all of them except for the one that makes my alergies really bad
x. Sport to watch - BASEBALL!!

Your Bedroom/Sleeping Habits
x. What color are your sheets? - right now, purple
x. What color are your bedroom walls? - uh white
x. Do you have posters on your wall? - not n e more
x. have a tv in ur room?? - in my real room yes...but not here
x. What color is your rug if you have one?? - off white-ish
x. How many pillows are on your bed? - like 3 ont his bed.
x. What do you normally sleep in? - usually shorts and a tee or tank, and then uh pj pants and a tee or sweat shirt.
x. Do you have your own phone line in your bedroom? - nope
x. Do you listen to music while trying to fall asleep? - sometimes
x. Describe the last nightmare you had - i was raped
x. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? - no
x. How many people can comfortably sleep in your bed? - two
x. Do you sleep in any unusual positions? - i move around a lot...
x. Do you have to share your bedroom with a sibling? - Nope, never have
x. Do you snore? - nope
x. How about drool? - um no. if i do i wake up right away
x. Do you have an alarm clock? - yess
x. What's under your bed? - um shoes...

This or that
x. Coke/Pepsi - coke
x. Doughnuts/bagels - bagels
x. Day/night - night
x. Wicked witch of the east/wicked witch of the west - west, sounds better
x. Heaven/hell - heaven
x. Coffee/tea - tea
x. Hamburgers/hotdogs - depends on my mood
x. Rap/rock - rap
x. Britney/Christina - Christina
x. Swiss cheese/american cheese - american
x. Real World/Road Rules - real world
x. Backstreet Boys/*Nsync - *Nsync
x. Silver/gold - gold
x. Nike/Adidas - nike sneakers- adidas sandals
x. McDonalds/Taco Bell - McDonalds
x. Sweet/sour - sweet
x. Punk/emo - punk- if i had to pick
x. Hot/cold - Depends...
x. Winter/summer - both
x. Spring/fall - not really either one
x. Operas/plays - plays
x. Read/watch tv - most of the time watch TV... but if it's a good book then i don't mind reading.
x. Cd's/tapes - CDs
x. Dvd's/vhs - Dvd
x. Old/new - new
x. Shorts/skirts - shorts
x. Pink/red - Pink
x. Colored pictures/black and white photos - i liek both
x. Meat/vegetables - uh do i haev to choose? thats a tie
x. Mexican food/chinese food - i liek spicy, but i like chinese...
x. Commercials/infomercials - commercials
x. Scary movies/comedies - both
x. Bikinis/one piece bathing suits -TANK inis
x. Sandals/tennis shoes - sandals
x. Dogs/cats - dogs
x. Unicorns/fairies - fairies
x. Water/land - water
x. Sugar/spice - sugar
x. Black/white - black
x. Ribbons/bows - ribbons
x. Chicken/beef - bEEf
x. Colored christmas lights/regular white christmas lights - white
x. Cars/trucks - cars
x. Austin Powers/James Bond - austin powers
x. Popcorn/pretzels - pretzels
x. Hip-hop/Rock - hip hop
x. Passionate kiss/peck - passionate kiss
x. WWE wrestling/ real wrestling - real wrestling
x. Picture frames/photo albums - both
x. Pens/pencils - Pens; black

Have You Ever..
x. Mooned anyone? - no i dont think so
x. Been on a diet? - tried to
x. Been to a foreign country? - no
x. Broken a bone? - no

x. Swallowed a tooth/cap/filling? - haha no
x. Swear at a teacher? - yes
x. Got in a fight? - yes
x. Dated a teacher? - uhh kinda weird...
x. Laughed so hard you peed your pants? - Pretty close a buncha times!
x. Thought about killing your enemy? - yes
x. Gone skinny dipping? - nopee
x. Told a little white lie? - suree
x. Told a secret you swore not to tell? - yes
x. Used a foreign object to masturbate? - UHH NO
x. Misused a swear word and it sounded absolutely stupid?-maybe
x. Been on tv? - i wish
x. Been to a concert? - ynot one
x. Dated one of your best friends? - no
x. Loved someone so much it makes you cry? - not a guy- but yea
x. Deceived somebody close to you? - no
x. Broken the Law? - ?
x. Been to a rodeo? - um NO
x. Been on a talk show? - hah JERRY JERRY
x. Been on a game show? - nope
x. Been on an airplane? - yes when i was a baby
x. Got to ride on a fire truck? - i dont think so
x. Came close to dying? - i dont know about dying but really sick from asthma
x. Cheated on a bf/gf? - no
x. Gave someone a piggy back ride? - yeah, all the time..usually i get them though
x. Terrorized a babysitter? - never
made a mud pie? of course...stil would lol
x. Had a dream that you're falling off a cliff? - yeah
x. Snuck out of the house at night? - ...
x. Been so drunk you don't remember your name? - THAST FO SHO...
x. Had an eating disorder? - i think i do...i dont eat a lot and if i do i feel sick.
x. Felt like you didn't belong? - yes
x. Felt like the 3rd wheel? - yess
x. Smoked? - yes
x. Done drugs? - wEEd
x. Stolen money from a poor person begging on the street?-aww! no!
x. Had your tonsils removed? - no i wanna get em out lol
x. Gone to camp? - yea
x. Won a bet? - yea
x. Written a love letter? - i dont thnk so
x. Gone out with the one you love - nope
x. Written a love poem? - no...
x. Kissed in the rain? - hmmm..?
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