Feb 05, 2006 21:05
The first goal is to see what characters are still willing to play and who we should kick.
I'm sure a lot of players simply forgot, but I'm sure there are others trying to escape without blueflamestar knowing.
I already tried some contacting, but I don't think I have enough influence as a person... Especially since I rudely posted in their journals as OOC!Guy. >_> Despite being a moderator here, I am not part of the fandom friends and community.
If you can contact those that haven't been playing and report back here, it would be absolutely grand to bring back most characters with the exception of:
IC!Fiora, OOC!Kent, and OOC!Canas.
They're goners for sure, but the rest, such as gems like OOC!Priscilla or OOC!Lucius (especially him, with the advent of Ephidel's double trying to take the throne) would really be appreciated.