3/17/07 // IC!Ed, P!Al, NPC:Annie

Mar 18, 2007 18:25

Who: IC!Ed, P!Al, NPC:Annie
When: 3/17/07
Rating: G
Category: Baby
Summary: P!Al visits Ed and tries to trendify Annie, who seems more interested in pulling hair and wiggling around.

IC!Ed: *just got Annie cleaned up and changed after lunch (a banana mostly smeared on her face) and is chasing her as she races through the living room, squealing and dragging her dirty dress*

P!Al: *giggling as he skips up to the door and is pratically bouncing while he knocks loudly*

IC!Ed: *throws his hands up in he air* Arrg, Annie, you better come here!! *goes to answer the door* ..... Hi.

Annie: *races up behind him to see*

P!Al: Hee, hello! You have no idea how lucky you are to have me visiting you~ *looks behind him and gasps when he sees Annie* Eww, look at her dress!

IC!Ed: I don't. I really don't. *turns around and grabs the dirty one from Annie* ... This is what happens at mealtimes.

P!Al: *pouts* Doesn't she realize that she'll never be trendy if she keeps getting all her pretty clothes dirty?!

IC!Ed: Not yet, no.

P!Al: You haven't tried teaching her not to, have you?

IC!Ed: I have! She just... doesn't get it yet. *puts a hand on her head and pushes her away from the door* Come in before she runs out.

P!Al: *steps inside, giving him a disapproving look* You didn't try hard enough 'cause if you had, she would know by now! It's a good thing I'm here, I can teach her myself.

IC!Ed: .... It doesn't work that way.....

Annie: *jumps up and down, giggling and excited* Cosses!

P!Al: How do you know? *stares at Annie, very confused* ...What?

Annie: *makes grabby fingers at his clothes*

IC!Ed: .... Things like that.

P!Al: Ohhh. *shakes his finger at her* No touching! You'll just get them all dirty.

Annie: *grabs finger?* Figer?

P!Al: Eh? *pulls gently with his finger* Why did she grab it?

IC!Ed: Um. Probably because she doesn't know why you wagged it at her. *sits down on the couch in the living room*

P!Al: ...Little kids are so weird. *kneels down to Annie's level and attempts to get his finger away from her* Let go!

Annie: *lets go!* .... *smack*

P!Al: OW! Why you...! *glares and is having a very hard time resisting the urge to smack her back*

IC!Ed: Don't smack her back! Annie, you know better!! *gets up and grabs her by the hands, pulling her over* Don't do that!


P!Al: Grr! She's taunting me! *stomps his foot* I can't just let her get away with that and giggle!

Annie: Mama! Mama, look!! *giggle*

IC!Ed: She's getting really bad about that and I haven't figured out why... she spends half her time pulling hair and kicking people.

P!Al: Someone should pull her hair and kick her if she's gonna be a bum like that! *watching Annie closely, in case she tries something*

IC!Ed: We tried that, and it doesn't work.

P!Al: ...Wait, so you pulled her hair and kicked her, but I can't after she smacked me? No fair!

IC!Ed: Because I don't think she's doing it to be mean....

P!Al: She giggled afterwards, though! If that isn't a sign of being mean, then I don't know what is!

IC!Ed: No, If she was being mean she probably would have kept smacking you. I ... think she likes seeing how people react when she does something to get a reaction.

P!Al: ...Little kids are really weird. That's kind of a dumb thing to do and it's not nice to hit someone who's gonna teach you awesome, trendy things!

IC!Ed: Well, teach her awesome, trendy things then. *amused*

P!Al: Not until she does something to show she's sorry for hitting me! *crosses his arms over his chest, not planning on letting this go anytime soon*

IC!Ed: *rolls his eyes* Annie, you did something bad, what do you say.

Annie: *wriggling, trying to get her hands free* SOWY!

P!Al: Hmph, I guess I accept your apology... *hands on hip* Ready to learn how to be trendy~?

IC!Ed: *lets go of her hands*

Annie: *skitters back over to him* Ya!!!

P!Al: *backs up* Whoa! She isn't gonna hit me again, is she?!

IC!Ed: *laughs!* I can't promise anything, but right now she's just excited.

P!Al: ..Okay, good. Do you have any clean, pretty dresses and accessories? Gonna need them to teach her! *sits down on the ground so he can talk to Annie easier*

IC!Ed: I'll go get them. *gets up, taking her dirty dress with him*

P!Al: *reaches for Annie's hair* Hmm, what can we do with this...

Annie: *giggles* Heiya!

P!Al: *plays with her hair, trying to figure out hairstyles* It'd look kind of weird like that...

Annie: *laughing*

P!Al: Ohhh! I know! I could braid your hair! Hee, you need to turn around first... *places his hands on her shoulders and tries to get her to turn*

Annie: *sits down!*

P!Al: What kind of braid would look trendier... *decides to give making two French braids a shot*

Annie: *wriggling*

P!Al: *frowns* Sit still or else you'll mess up your hair!

Annie: Whyy?

P!Al: 'Cause I said so! Now be good! *tugs lightly on her hair*

Annie: *whine!*

IC!Ed: *comes back, carrying a bunch of Annie's clothing and stuff* ... Al, don't pull her hair.

P!Al: Then tell her to stop moving around and asking dumb questions! *goes back to braiding her hair as he eyes the clothes* ...That outfit on top doesn't look cute at all.

IC!Ed: I'm sorry you don't approve. *sits the stuff on the couch*

Annie: *whining at Ed*

P!Al: Ugh, why is she complaining?! I'm making her hair pretty for her!

IC!Ed: Probably because you're pulling. *sits down in front of her* Annie, sit still. *pats her hands*

P!Al: I only pulled it a little bit and it was only for a second so she'd stop messing up her hair... *sighs* You guys just don't appreciate my work!

IC!Ed: *mostly ignoring him; thinking of whether he can coerce Roy into taking pictures since Annie's hair'll be done*

P!Al: *finishes her hair and grins proudly at his work* Doesn't she look so much better now~? I totally rock at doing hair!

IC!Ed: It is very cute.

Annie: *jumps up and onto Ed*

P!Al: *stands up and takes a moment to stretch before shifting through the clothes* This pink dress would probably look best on her...

IC!Ed: *pets her*

P!Al: *hands him the dress* Here, you put it on her.

IC!Ed: Alright... Okay, Annie, changing clothes again, know how much you love this. *unbuttons her dress and pulls it off, slipping the pink one on over her head*

P!Al: *takes an interest in the other things Ed brought out while the changing happens* Oooo, this is cute! So is this~ Hee, I can't decide which ones to use!

Annie: *messing with her hair*

IC!Ed: *grabs her hands* Annie, don't touch.

P!Al: *grabs a pink butterfly bracelet and hands it to him* If she messes up her hair, she's dead!

IC!Ed: You don't threaten death on my kid. *puts the bracelet on*

P!Al: Then tell your kid not to mess up her hair that I worked so hard on!

IC!Ed: *shakes his head, ignoring him and petting Annie's hands*

Annie: Mama~ Heiya.

P!Al: *grumbles* Hate it when people do that... See if I ever come over again...

IC!Ed: Yes, your hair's very pretty.

Annie: *grabs Ed's hair* Heiya!!

IC!Ed: D:

P!Al: HA! Pull harder, Annie! *perks up, giggling*

Annie, no, please... *tries to get his hair free*

Annie: *is being encouraged!* *TUG!!* HEIYA!!

P!Al: *laughes harder* Hope she messes up your hair~

IC!Ed: She ALWAYS messes up my hair.

Annie: *giggles and lets go, tugging on his shirt now*

P!Al: Good 'cause your hair looks bad on you, anyway.

IC!Ed: ... what should my hair look like.

P!Al: Not like that. It should maybe have some gel in it to make it look cooler or maybe be put up in a weird shape. It would be like art, but with your hair! *bounces, definitely getting into this idea*

IC!Ed: .... No.
IC!Ed: No hair sculptures on my head, thanks.

P!Al: *pouts* Why not? It'd be really awesome!

IC!Ed: Because I said no.

P!Al: You are so unfun. Your hair would look way cooler if you'd let me!

IC!Ed: I'm good.

P!Al: Hmph. Can I at least put a couple bows in your hair?

IC!Ed: No.

P!Al: ...Loser

IC!Ed: Yup.

P!Al: I will so go home and not teach her anything about being trendy unless you stop being a meanie pants right NOW!

IC!Ed: I just don't want you to do my hair. That's ... not what I want.

P!Al: Fine, but I still say you'd look better with a couple bows or some gel.

IC!Ed: I'm going to stay content without.

P!Al: ...Dang. *gets over his disappointment pretty quickly as he turns his attention back to Annie* Okay! First lesson of trendiness is to accessorize! If you can pick the right accessories, any outfit can look good!

Annie: *at least she looks like she's listening*

P!Al: *motions to the pile of random things* Pick out something good for your clothes!

Annie: *stares at him*

P!Al: ...Pick something out?

Annie: *stare*

P!Al: ...This is so not working out. Did she hear a single word I said?!

Annie: *yaawwwn*

IC!Ed: .....
IC!Ed: I think it's her naptime.

P!Al: Is that why she's being so stupid?

IC!Ed: *frowns* She's not stupid. *stands and picks her up* Come on, Annie.

P!Al: *mumbles* Is if she can't even pick out something cute...

Annie: *snuggling*

IC!Ed: *patience is wearing oh-so-thin* Al. You can leave now.

P!Al: Fine, didn't want to stay in this dumb place anyway. *heads for the door, giving Ed the evil eye over his shoulder*

IC!Ed: *rolls his eyes and takes Annie up to put her in her crib*

P!Al: *decides to make a big show of leaving and slams the door a bit on his way out*

npc:annie, ic!ed, log, pokeylope!al

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