[OOC] The Rules

Jun 27, 2010 00:50

This journal is omg_alchemist's NPC journal. It's used to play various... NPC characters in the role-play. All community RPers have access to the journal and can use it how they wish, so long as they abide by the following rules:

1. Almost all normal rules apply to this journal. This includes NO GODMODDING. This journal potentially has a lot of power. Do NOT use it to further your own character through out-of-game knowledge.
2. Characters that can be NPCed include all minor RP characters, and some minor characters from the FMA anime. It is impossible to name every single character who could conceivably be NPCed in this RP. We ask that you use your best judgment when making a post in here. If you think it's overstepping a boundary, ask a mod before posting. Some good examples of characters to use this journal for include random RP characters, such as the Turtle Mafia, the police, and hospital staff. Also, minor FMA characters who, in all likeliness won't be picked up, are free to use, but please use them with discretion. Think of those random military personnel characters. However, if you are going to NPC an IC canon character, please contact evilhippo first. They are iffy territory, and Hippo would prefer to know what's going on with them.
3. Mind your characters. Some NPCs are sort of understood to belong to certain characters and their muns. If you want to do something with one of those characters, please have the decency to ask before you use their characters without asking. Some of these have a lot of thought put behind them, and their creators probably won't appreciate them being used without their permission.
4. NPCs, though important, are NOT main characters. Though I encourage creative use of characters in this journal, and the stuff you can do with it, remember that NPCs are NPCs for a reason. Do not use this journal to try and toss in your own original character and make them super-important in the RP. Use it to advance a little plot, get some information out, but do not try to create characters that rival the ones you've taken in the RP.
5. Do not go back and edit other people's posts, and do not comment/reply if you didn't make the post! This one is a little common sense, but, seriously. Everyone has access to all the posts in this journal, meaning that anyone can change a post, or pose as character in comments. Don't do it!

This journal thing is a little new to everyone; we aren't exactly sure what kinda rules and restrictions to place on it to keep it from being abused and still give it freedom to do what it needs to do in the RP. The rules listed here are not inclusive and are not perfect - they are subject to change as we get in suggestions and see how the journal needs to be used.

Regardless, as of right now, any character can post anything to this journal completely anonymously. You do not have to indicate who you are, we aren't gonna log IPs, anything like that. If we see it getting abused, we will ask that muns indicate who they are when they post. If it continues to be abused, we will take it away.

Overall, just use your own judgment! If you think it shouldn't be posted, it probably shouldn't be. If you aren't sure, ask a moderator.
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