LJ-cut for short entry is fail, but it haz spoilarz, lulz.
Finally another Ga-Rei chapter. I really have no patience to wait when I know there's more out and it just isn't being scanlated. xD
There was Noriyuki/Yomi in this chapter! FTW!
That made me a really, really happy little fangirl. xDD
When Yomi got that face on her and asked about him, I was like YAAAAY.
And a flashback of like two panels to a scene with him/them in it!
Yes, I'm easily satisfied. Especially when there was really so little of it, rofl.
Don't question me and my pairing-related enthusiasm.
This isn't even my OTP for this fandom. o_O
Nice to see some minor character development for Tsuina and Mikado, too. I might start to like them as well.
Lol @ Kensuke still being a retard. And no memories of him back for Kagura yet, but it should happen soon because the people who can read RAWs said so.
And I fail a tooooooooon. And it's awesome! xD