(no subject)

Oct 01, 2005 19:26

 so realised that life is what u  make of it!
 ive been home all day long and did nuttin ...
ive been thinking alot...about EVERYTHING!
and i have to say i amazed myself.
 i realised that you cant depend on other people to make u happy
you have to make yuorself happy.
if you dont like soomthing or the way someone is treating you
tell them! if you dont..they wont know.
 dont hope that people will change because most more then likly..they wont....
people might act liek they care but very few people really do
 and if u complain to much...no one cares about any of your problems!
 no matter how big or small they are to you!
this is because people start to think you dont appreciate anything!
 because complaining gets you no where and doesnt change anything..
it just makes other people in bad moods
ive also realised
 good friends are hard to find
 and if u are ahngin out with the wrong croud....
then you arent gunna find friends that accually care
 and if u think that bad weekends consist of gettin no alchohol...
then you have a problem!
 there are better thigns to do then get shit faced every wekeend!
partying is ok but please dont brag about get messed up so bad that u vomited on urself
 no one cares! and not to mention it is D-SCUSSTING!

i really like someone right now...and i dnt think im treated right
 i try to talk to him about it but it does no good
 i want things to work out but i serisouly doubt they will
 im already almost over it and im not sure if im just givin up to easily
or im not listening to his storys and im assumin to much
 thats what he tells me
 but it feels like im gettin dicked around
which is the worst feeling ever when you like somone alot!!!!!

It was one of my close friends birthday partys today and iw asnt invited!
that puts a check in the "feelin like an ass for thinkin she was closeto me" box!
when i asked her why she didnt tell me bout it..
 here answer was i invited to amny ppl.........IM NOT IMPORTaNT ODVIOUSLY!
Bethany is still the most wonderfulest girl in the world!
 im glad she is my best friend and we are so close
 i dont know what id do with out her

all the asnwers to all my problems are right in front of my face but
for some reason i cant cheet and looka t them...i have to do things my way
and find out the hard way...and fail!

FAILURE IS A BITCH! and choices are hard to make when you have so many.....
I try to look into things to much and i miss whats really going on or whats really said....
and drunk phone clals from ur mom= NOT FUNNY!
it makes you feel like ur have crappy parents.....its funny when u see them all the time
and you see them kinda slurin there words but not drunk calls from ur mom
that is flat out druknk off her ass/shit faced
 and you only see once in a freaking blue moon!

but everything these days seem to be hard to deal with....
 its hard not to worry or care!

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