Jul 07, 2005 16:54
anna vera...
WHAT THE HELL lOl!! STiLLETOS -- TARGET- sponGEBOB BOXERS!!! TiES !! WalMART- HULA HoOPS -GUYS lOl-- WENDYS-- THE OLD PEopLE! haha nO mAtTA WhAT WeRe ALwayS CRaCkiN UP ABouT sOmiN tHAT oNE oF uS DiD! LiKE KeNtuCky -- AMEN!!!!! lOl PRiCELESS!! StiLL HAvnT FoRGoT thAT !! anD wen we WEre iN yoUR g-PArenTS BASEmENT lOl WiTH THE gLASs CUpS TRyiN To CAtCH LiGHtNinG BuGs! AnD you DRopED THE CUp ANd WE cLEaNED uP THE GlASs AnD THReW iT AWaY * and THEn LikE 2 Days after we WEre hOMe YOuR g-MA CALLED yOUR moM SAYiN ONE oF hER GLASS CUpS WERE MiSSeN!! HAHA!! ! wE sTaRTeD CRaCkiN Up* wow!! lOl! and HONK iF YOUR HORNii! the other NighT !! woah! plus the times we go to walmart and we play with hula-hoops and balls and shiz and like the time we were in the speakers place where they have the steroes and candy shop came on and we turned it up relii LOUD and started dancin!!! reminds me of circuit city!!! we were in the lil ` speaker room and you pressed RaP and DRop iT LiKE iTS hAwt caME on and we were singen and dancin to it and that guy was right there like starin at us* gOoD TiMES!!!! the wOoDS iN FRonT oF yoUR hoUSE! SCURRY!!!! LiKE WEn WE were out there til like 7 and chloe started freekin out and she ran and we were like OMG cuz we were WAY BACK in tha woods!! and LiKE WOAH!!! i remember all the times we got in trouble tOo* haha!!! wiTH BRiAN AND CHRiS anD youR moM Was LikE RiGHT OUTSiDE YOUR WiNDOW ThiNKin WE were goNNa SnEEk oUT -- nOt liKE WE WeRE lOl* and STORY* OMG we were GeTTiN tHE LECTURE FRUM BOTH oF OUR MOmS aND WE COUlDNT SToP LauGHiN BECAZ OF thE JoKE tHAT Dj AND i PLAy'D on TYlEr lol! and they thought we were laughin about what they were talkin about when we wenrt soo we got in soo much trouble which SUCKED!!!! OMFG! lol! ooo yea and GATLiNBURG!! WE AlMOSt GoT KiDNAPED BY SomE GuyS!! And REmMber THE GuyS iN tHE HUMMER !!*HAWTiES*!!! GOSh! OOO CRAP!!! AND HARD ROCK CAFE` lol! the bLACK Guy THOugHT we WErE LiKE 21 ANd HE was FLiRTiN WiTH yOU* AND hE wAS LiKE CAN i Buy yOU A DRiNK!! HAHA!!! OO AND T-BONZ! my jeans were jinxed or w.e. cuz that was liek the 5th time i spilt somin on my jeans and like it was rib sauce or w.e. haha! OMG OMG OMG and like thE TiMES A LONG TiME AGO weN LiKE we uSed TO RiDE on ToP oF thE CAR anD gO DOWn THe STREET lOl and there was this 16 yR. oLD LoOkin At OUR asSeS WhiLE WE dROvE bY! * bETCHA DONT reMemBER tHAT ONE** ! OMG! and the time that we went to the beach and like we were on the 3rd floor right over the hot tub out side and thOse HAWT guys were like come on down here and all this other stuff FUNFUN! oOoo** yea and the time that my mom got me and you a pina colada and like she "accidently" gaVE uS tHE oNE WiTH AlCHOHAl iN iT haha!!! FUNNii SHit ! -- OMG im not gonna say it on here but you know what im talkin about when we were at roberts conda pOoL and you went to get of the pOOL* aND hE --------------- YEA LOL OMG THAT WAS HELARiUS iM STiLL CRACKiNG UP ABOUT iT !!! -- cracking -- HAHAHAHAHA!!!!! lOl* woah... im shure there is a WHOLE LOT more that i am forgettin but i dont have all day to write it all down lOl!!! i lOve you soo effin much gurl its not even FunNiii!!! i ALWAYS WilL BE thERE FOR yOU NO WHAT ALWAYS lOl!!! -- GOOOD TiMES!!! cant wait til friday haha its gonna be great** ! ! ! ! ! expecaily wit dj!!! haha! speakin of dat WE HAD AWESOME TiMES OVER AT Dj'S EVEN DOE` !!! lOl! but i wONt go intO` that stuff!!! LOve yoU sOOOO EFFiiNNN MUCH!!!! ** ALWAYS!!!! and always nigga!! lOl!!! j.k.! you knwo i had to say it haha!!!! lOve yew GURL!! bye bye !!! <3. kasey mariie-- *
--« if you wanna be on here let me now and ill do somin fo` you tOo just comment on here and ill update somin juST FOR yEW!!! * * * --