Aug 26, 2007 23:55
No, seriously. I've been alone all day today; and around 6pm I decided to go finally clean the kitchen. I'm welcomed with winged ants near the sink so thus I get my trusty bug spray and sprraaaaaaaaaay. At around 11pm I return to see what devastion I have caused ;DD Gahahaha. And I find 30x's more winged ants on the floor slowly dying. And me? Well, I'm their shivering my arse off trying to do something... I get to the point where I can't handle it any longer and I rung my Mummmethhh. When she picked up the phone I burst into tears and told her what had happened; srsly. WINGED. ANTS. FUCKING. SCARY. SHIT. My Mum was so worried she called my Grandad to come and get rid of the army of -dying- ants and make sure they weren't anymore. The whole time he was getting rid of them, with his said lady friend, I was shivering on the brink of tears. Now they're gone I feel like I just won 1 million pounds. HELL YAW! Anyway, I always knew I had some sort of fear of wasps, but itty bitty insects? DD8; No. But now I do. Yay. Even my Mum said I have a huge-ass phobia. xD Be jealous, bitches, be jealous.