Jan 09, 2005 16:00
Had fun last night reliving my little girl years. haha.
Brittany and I ventured to Wolfchase for a bit and picked out Victoria's Secret underwear for some guy friends. Annoyed some people and whatnot. Good times. We then went out to Pump It Up for one of her relatives birthday parties. The name of the place sounds more like a porno title than anything. It's one of those places where they have all of the really big blow up things that you slide down and bounce in and whatnot. I had a really good time, actually. Afterwards I was completely wiped out. I lost my Green Day pin somewhere in one of those things...hah...I hope they have a pleasant time paying for that one. ;-)
Steve works there. He stayed in the room and played around with all of the kids until about 10:30. We talked for a bit. He's actually a really nice guy. We (mostly being Brittany and Steve. Haha.) decided to sing along with Ashley SImpson when most of everyone else was gone. It was...interesting. heh. It was utterly amazing to see one of the 50 other white kids from Craigmont actually outside of that building. Different.
Brittany and her cousin are supposed to head over to my house this Friday to make these...cover things. Their interesting. I'll post pictures if I can.