Sean is GHEY =)

Jan 18, 2004 09:54

Name: Kimmy
Genitalia: -peek- female.
Age: 17
Location: Downtown
Describe yourself in a haiku: this sucks so much ass
Trying to write a haiku
Did I do this right?

Do you say "pop", "soda" or "soda-pop?" Pop.
Did Michael Jackson do it? Sure he did.
Goatse or tubgirl? tubgirl, harrr
Are you 1337 enough to know what C-Unit is? Probably not.
Who is gheyer: Lydia or Sean? They can both be pretty ghey
Do you use the word bogus? Sure don't.
Define fwapoijeroijawerpoji. I think it says "Your a stupid cunt"
Does Mandie's coochie stink? Yes or yes. Well, I guess I choose yes?
Is Gary Coleman a midget? when he pretends
Yankees fucking suck. Right? (Right.) Sure so.
Don't you wish you could say water hot? It's my dream
In 10 words or more, express your undying love for me. (And for Sean. duh.) I bet you I can do it in under 10. Ghey. =)
Finally....Post a picture of an object that resembles Sean. (Or Lydia.)
And now of yourself. kthx

Sean, dur.


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