So in what is now becoming tradition i come to live journal to talk about Octocon from the con runners perspective. This is mainly in an attempt to have some transparency going on from our side to people who are interested in Irish Fandom and Octocon.
I have done this twice before, first just after the
2010 event and last year after
I stated three primary aims in my first post, and these are as follows
1. To grow the committee, and non committee helpers, so that is less stress on the committee.
2. To grow the attendance by 50%.
3. To maintain, or improve, the quality of the convention.
So a quick analysis of these statements: I think we have done well here, we have five people on the committee going on from here, people who had been helping out in a non committee role. There are also a number of people i have to talk to over the next while who were wondering how they could help. The key point here is that i think that we need at least 2 more committee members with very specific skills
We need a Person who can act as a central point for our Public relations who can interact with the media, Traditional and social and get more interest in us as a group. Over the last few years we have had some interest, but it is nearly always a one off thing, that we miss opportunities at.
I would also like to have someone to take the lead role in programming. This has been something that i have been leading over the last few years, and i want to get someone else in to make sure we don't end up too stale. Also the program for 2013 will have some interesting new challenges.
Rating: Pass.
2. This is a fail.
Quite simply the convention numbers are all but static this year in comparison to last years. Which were well down on the year before. While 2010 had a guest who was a very large draw, I still think that the convention could have a level at around 300 people. This number has the advantage that we would have more ease in settling bills and ensuring the convention does not have to cut every possible corner in order to meet budget.
We managed to not only break even, but pass a small amount of money on this year, or should do once we are in a position to close out our books. However to do that we had to be incredibly cheap, and that is not always the best way to go, as it can create a bad impression from the start. though i did manage to get some money out of our treasurer to get colour brochures down up, which was useful.
Rating: Fail
3. I am told that people felt that we were good at the quality mark. Two years ago i claimed it was impossible to run a convention without a change to the timetable, however this year we came as close as i think you can, when the only changes made was that we added about 5 panelists to various items and removed 1 from 3 items. I admit that by four on Sunday i was getting Seriously worried, as nothing was been cancelled.... and i was fearing a massive Murphy Backlash, but it never came.
After the convention i heard from many people that they had enjoyed it. A lot of people are commenting about how organised and fun it was. So basically i count all of that as a success.
Rating: Exceptional Pass
So at this point we are still making progress towards what i like to call the promised land. A place where running the convention is not a risk to the committees finance's or reputation. While such things could still be damaged, it would only be by mistakes on our part, rather than from factors outside our control.
In 2010 i committed to be chair till at least 2012.
Looking around there is still a lot i want to get done, and so i am continuing on until next year. However it should be noted that there is no Octocon in 2014. I am planning on been on the committee for 2015, however i feel at that point the committee at that point should have full reshuffle, and move roles around to make sure no one person becomes to tied to a role. Three years in a role can be a very long time.
Still i think we did good, and hopefully next year we can grow our membership to over 200.