Return to Dublin

May 06, 2012 21:52

It has been fun to be back in Dublin. Relaxed. I had decided to take the whole week off of work, instead of just those needed for the Zagreb Trip. So it was good to just sit back and catch up on sleep and ease back into the Dublin life.

Thursday was a trip to see Avengers Assemble. A film i enjoyed on nearly all levels, and it has attained the status of Good. i hope to get to see it again before it leaves the cinema. After that i went to visit my parents, to say hello and to get some stuff out of Storage!

Friday, i went out to the Star Wars show out in City West. it was pretty much what i expected, and so i only stayed around for less than an hour, before i was on my way, back home to read!

The weekend has been about relaxing and reading. Basically ideal fun time. Though my room is mostly clean, and a more organised in preparation for the big Re-Org that shall take place tomorrow! it shall be fun, and hopefully the room will be a better space after it.

anyway, one more piece of stuff from Zagreb, its a video recorded at the event. While a lot of it is in Croatian, if you skip to 5.20 and watch on, i appear for a short while, and do not make a total fool of myself....

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