(no subject)

Sep 10, 2005 23:47

A more detailed Definition of glomp for Melissa,Steve,and Steph and to anyone else who doesn't know the meaning of it :P
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Glomp is a term often used by anime fans, most often used on IRC, chat rooms, and online forums. Usually used as a verb to 'glomp' someone is usually to latch on to or hug a person quite tightly, in the style a real child might hug a much taller adult's leg tightly. Thus the hug is merely affectionate, never sexual, no matter how tight the hug is.

A glomp is also often compared to "A kind of tackle huggie" where the person will randomly run up to and tightly hug the victim of the glomp. It is common to surprise a very close friend with a glomp, but one should never randomly glomp a stranger or someone they are not extremely close to.

People often make up their own variations such as "Running Tackle Glomp" or "hugglomp". Glomping is often prevalent at anime conventions.

Though much disputed, it is commonly believed that the term "glomp" originated in Ranma fandom. While never mentioned in the series itself, it is commonly used by fans to describe the way in which the character Shampoo commonly attached herself to the main character, Ranma.

The word "glomp" comes from the sound created by such a hug, in that running up to the "glompee" is usually involved. Sometimes glomps can be "jump-hugs," or "tackle-hugs," and sometimes the person being glomped can be set off balance or even toppled over.

Types of Glomps
Normal Glomp
Über Glomp
Tackle Glomp
Running Glomp
Glomps are often linked with actions of great force or affection, and are common to mix and match with each other to personalize each "Glomp" as a person sees fit.
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