/four/ things

Mar 07, 2009 15:18

1.) Don't mind the new layout; I'm still working on // deciding some things (pfft, and I was too lazy to even look for a new template LOL. oh well). I got tired of the P4-themed one, though I do miss the coloursplosion. :"D
The words in the header (or pretty much the layout in general) were pulled from Modest Mouse's 3rd Planet. These aren't necessarily the colours I see when I listen to the song, but I just went with feeling . . . Anyways, I love that song to DEATH. The big, look-at-me letters are a kind-of tribute to Watchmen as well, which I want to see pretty bad just because the cinematography makes me want to cry with happy

2.) I've just made kind-of-plans to go watch the Jo' Bros' concert in 3D. Better believe it, kids; I'll be seeing them showcasing their flat torsos and pretend like I'm actually close enough to touch them. And I can pretend like I actually wanted to go--but seriously, I'm in it for the glasses

3.) AudioCubes is the best website on Earth. These Zumreeds would be close to perfect for a Shujin or Yosuke cosplay or something *___*!!!!!!

4.) I finished my school!sketchbook a while ago, and now I've got nothing to draw with--I have my own, of course, but the paper is too soft and so is the lead I use. And it's MASSIVE like MASSIVE. My other sketchbook was smaller and had smoother paper that made the soft lead look okay . . . I'm a bit sad because Notten doesn't have any extras. :/

One of the last pictures I drew in it was of Naoto hahahahaaa

things that don't matter, fun

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