week end rrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Jul 23, 2007 09:45

I had a blast this weekend at Flashbackweekend! I arrived Friday night at 2am. Saturday I woke up and went to the convention downstairs. It is really nice to see familiar faces. All the same vendors and fans. I immediately met actors, Grandpa from Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and then Robert Englund and Heather Langenkamp from Nightmare on Elm Street! I met Amanda Wyss (Tina) from Nightmare on Elm Street, John Saxon (The dad) from Nightmare on Elm Street and more! It was a Nightmare on Elm Street full cast reunion (minus Johnny Depp). I had a blast. I bought about 5 DVDs and 4 t-shirts. Bought copies of Santa Sangre and From Beyond (finally). It was a really great time. Saturday night I watched the outdoor movie festival showing of Nightmare on Elm Street with Robert (Freddy), Heather (Nancy) and Amanda (Tina) introducing it and watching it with us and screaming at the screen and making cat calls. It was hilarious. Good times.
Sunday I did my usual, Giordano's Pizza for lunch then IKEA then the drive home. I met my ex-girlfriend, Melissa and her mom at IKEA and I bought some cool stuff for me. I particularly like the 24"x36" print I bought to hang above my bed. Now I have 3 weeks off on vacation to do wahtever I want!!!!!!!
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