Proof of non-deadness

Aug 26, 2006 04:04

Hello all, sorry for not updating recently. So yeah, summer. All in all things went pretty well over this summer what with the being gainfully employed and chilling with mark and kara and thus playing truly obscene amounts of monster hunter (to the tune of ~200 hours or more each). Hung out infrequetnly with the fencers, engaged in roboting, pined, you know the usual. However as it is said, all good things must come to an end, you know like my job O_o.

Long story short concerning my job is that I had too many errors and they were looking to get rid of people. What sucks is that my last day I come across a bulliten saying that they threw out all errors for the past 2-3 monts and thus I was okay.... but it was my last day. So afterwords I called the union rep and discussed it and she said she would get back to me on it by the 28th of this month so maybe I can get that one back.

Went to denver and hung out with varios mountainous realatives (location not size... usually). Good times were had by all more or less.

School has been batshit crazy plain and simple. I have had to change around my classes 3 or 4 times and I am not yet done x_x. But hopefully all of that will be sorted out by monday and I can get into a regular rythm.

Anyways just firing off with my usual im-not-dead-yet update.



PS I lurve my new LJ icon XD.
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