Feb 16, 2007 10:37
I have actually found a retail job at the nearest Trade Secret (hair salon/store). This is why I haven't been online in a while. While I like the people that I work with and the job itself is relatively ease it's not enough to pay the bills. (I only get paid 6.70 per hour.)
As a result, many of my bills are at least 1 month behind in payment but most are more than that behind. My mom has been paying my mortgage but she's just barely getting by. My aunt and grandmother, neither of whom can really afford it, have been helping me get by when they can. Team Omega members have also been of great help (especially over the last few weeks while I've been out with another respiratory infection), but they too don't have a great deal of monetary funding to share. I appreciate all of those who have helped.
This week I went basically begging to local charities in order to keep my water and electricity on for another month but that still leaves me with the other necessities of the credit union loans (mostly the car; totalling $425), the car insurance of about $180, gas, food, critter food, etc.
Freelance work since Kathleen has been on maternity leave has been basically non-existant from the agency. I have put in applications to be a teller at Washington Mutual (their starting pay is more than what I was making after 3.5 years at the last job) and to be a customer service person at AAA.
My freelance job with Sunshine Saver Magazine has crashed. I worked really hard to give them a great ad and they didn't use it. I found out when the new issue was delivered to my other job. The freelance job with Yoga from the Heart won't start until next week so that money won't be here in time to help this month.
Had a fight with the maternal unit. My phones got cut off because I couldn't pay the bill for 2 months and she had to give me money for that along with an ultimatum of 30 days to get a job. (Like it's my fault people aren't hiring right now.)
I interviewed, at the last minute with Beneva Flowers and didn't get that one either. I'm still waiting to hear from Miles Media...I've called them a couple of times in the last week.
I had a go around with one of the credit card companies about 2 weeks ago. The girl was making threats at me. Considering this was the 2nd call from this company in less than 24 hours I was nice...at first. When she started with the threats and the judgements I gently reminded her that I had just talked to someone from her company the night before and that her actions were in violation of Florida law. She kept arguing so I reminded her again that this is considered harrassment and in violation of Florida law and that I know my rights. I finally got her off the phone.
Diddle is fronting me the money to uprade the house internet from dial-up to dsl so I can work more efficiently in my off time from the store. Andy kicked in a wireless router and told me that he'd help me get set up when the rest of the equipment showed up. :)
Happy anti-Valentine's Day!