This needs to be said...

Oct 06, 2004 16:36

I hate politics! I HATE POLITICS!

I just posted this in a response to someone else's journal, though. These are my thoughts on the election; feel free to discuss with me if there is actual discussion to be had. If you flame me and are voting in this election strictly along party lines, save your'll only be proving my point.

Being very firmly independent in a traditionally conservative state, I have to agree with a lot of the points made above. There are quite a few reasons why you see what you have seen, and those reasons are regionalism, psychology, etc.

I, personally, hate politics and the way they have divided our country over the past eight or so years. I refuse to vote in this election because I firmly believe the system is broken and needs to be fixed. Many, MANY political coups are being played on both sides of the fence, and the voice of the people is being injured in the process. Let's not get started on the naivete of America, because both sides heartily take advantage of it, and there are some voters for both tickets who can easily be compared to "herded sheep."

I do agree that we will have an unprecedented voter turn out this year, although I do not agree that we will have an unprecedented "educated" voter turnout this year. For the aforementioned 18-25 year old group, I fear that this election is a fad, and that truly scares me. The thought that people AT COLLEGES are thinking "I'll vote for John Kerry because Ben Affleck is" or "I'll vote for Ralph Nader because I hate Cher!" makes me wretch. Although we have done a great job of mobilizing the young voters, I don't know that we have done a great job of educating the young voters as to what they are voting for and along what lines. This is extremely dangerous.

The debates I have found to be laughable. They have done nothing productive. They have emphasized the weak points of both candidates and shown us nothing more than a glorified personality clash. Last night was better, but the mediator was weak, and the structure of the debate fell off. These debates have no educated me beyond what I knew before they began...and honestly, that wasn't very much.

Now we have tremendous schisms developing within the parties themselves on this election...let's not talk about the draft rumor and who's fault it was...CBS (as with ALL media organizations for the most part) are idiots...I love the world in which we live...

And I'm spent....this wasn't a result of my being offended. I read a journal entry, agreed with the point, and responded....oh, yeah, and one of the responses to said jounral entry annoyed me a little bit, because out of like 8, it was so outrageously biased it was sickening...

I'm not going to knock someone's beliefs, especially if they have researched...but there is so much brain-washing in politics today....COME ON, PEOPLE, THINK FOR YOURSELVES!!! MTV, FOX NEWS, AND CNN ALL HAVE AGENDAS!!!! THINK!!!!!
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