(no subject)

Jul 23, 2007 09:45

And after all the dust settled Saturday afternoon, I can safely say -- ladies and gentlemen, the event was a success.

We were able to quickly resolve any stressful situations, and I was running laps around the event grounds to make sure everything else was running smoothly -- which, apparently, most everything did. There are certainly things that could be done better for next time -- but for my first time coordinating an event like this (and of this size!) -- well, according to staff, things went really well. It was enough for 'em to celebrate afterwards.

My internship boss and I will debrief with our department's director on Tuesday, when I'm in next, to discuss how everything went, to discuss what to do for next year -- things of that sort. I'm also going to get started on a report for a project idea I have -- one for which I hope to get funding.

In the meantime, though, I've got a full week of regular work ahead of me.

(... given how dog-tired I was after everything was done, maybe I should've had better foresight to request more time off after the event.)
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