(no subject)

Jun 14, 2007 19:55

Ouchies and more stabbing pain... it just doesn't end. :(

Ate a chicken burger on Monday.. (maccas the evil ones, and never again), and it has left me violently ill. Havnt been sleeping because the stabbing pain wont leave me, havnt been able to much at all really. I have been laying on my  floor, in a featal ball, wondering when my intestines are finally going to explode. Seriously. Fuck man. Typing this is even pain. *shakes fist* I am gonna vomit all over maccas... grrrrr. 
And I have 3 solid days of work ahead, no wait, make that 6 days of work ahead, that I cant even take a siccie of for either. Aye. This is gonna be fun.
Taking my blanket with me tommorow. Dont care anymore.

I went to the doctor today because I thought I would die, and then get told to spend 50 bucks on *inner health plus* yippie

So i did that, and went to buy yogurt at wollies. bad idea. Pain kicked in so hard, I found myself sitting in an ailse, clencing my belly and doubled over in tears. (this pain makes me unable to stand up) and this lady walks past and bursts into laughter... and  everyone who walked past, noone even stopped to ask me if i was ok. 
I dunnno. Did I look funny? Does noone care here? .... fuck whatever....

Im so over this. :(
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