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Oct 29, 2006 09:52
U.S. Department of Energy Awards $100 Million in Fuel Cell R&D
Baby bungle mum billed for hospital error
'MXit is great, but don't be fooled'
(This is about a boy who meets a girl in a chat room and tries to meet up with her only to find out it's an older man. You have to wonder, wtf made this guy think meeting the boy would accomplish anything)
Toddler Trapped In Crane Machine In Pursuit of Toy
N. Korea food shortages critical
Man Killed When Beer Keg Explodes
(It exploded because he tossed the keg into a fire, talk about retarded)
Studio promises prosthetic limbs to teenage and children amputees who appeared in film as extras, but makes them wait for movie release for more publicity.
Houston Landscaper Refuses To Work For Gay Customers
Bus driver refuses to drive buses with gay-themed ads
Gay kissing in the video game "Bully".
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