Dec 19, 2011 23:22
Yes, it is nearly here already!
These weeks are flying by with more speed than I care to think about. While most of you don't get to see me, things are going well. I'm trying to get time off to come home for Christmas early.
Lots of gatherings going on this week. I don't want work to stand in my way of being in the area. It may sound like a bad idea, but I've made up my mind to quit in the near future anyways.
$10.00 per hour over in Issaquah is pretty much the same thing I was doing in LA, but this time there's no way of moving up through Product Testing.
I've decided to go to O.C. and earn my engineering degree through WSU. That way I can get into PSNS a lot more quickly than the helper program and I may be able to bypass some of the grunt work. This is all a ways off, but I have it on good information that it's more than possible. The prospect of having a decent job and being close to family and friends would be a dream come true. It's more like a life goal being met.
Uh, so yeah. Don't get me wrong, I like working at Nintendo, but they never have gotten back to me after I've applied to 'real' jobs for 3 years now. I've been working on figuring out how they do things, but the commute is killer, even doing it 2 times a week is very expensive in time and money. You know how that is!
The time line on all that is like this:
○ Work until they fire me or I quit. 2011 - February 2012
○ Study advanced mathematics to place well on accuplacer. Now - Feb. 2012
○ Take Accuplacer exam and place well. February 2012 - March 2012 This needs to happen.
○ Start course work. Feb. 2012 - TBA
The degree course may take up to 2 years, but I have a lot of school behind me already, so I think if I place well it may go quicker by saving unnecessary classes in maths.
While taking the courses I will be applying for Safety Control and Apprenticeship jobs, hoping to get pulled in in the meantime. If not, I will try and get into the Co=Op program and be guaranteed a job when I get done with the extra schooling. It's going to be hard but a lot of things will get sorted out on my end. :)
I'm not gaming much these days unless it's Diane's copy of Mario Kart 7. It's pretty fun to whoop up on people from all nations as my own Mii. I'd like to be playing Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess but time is scarce.