Three Weeks' Worth of Catching Up

Aug 05, 2004 04:30

Well, I finally decided that I was going to go to school to teach. Talked to Mike a few weeks ago and got some info from him and tried to apply to Florida Southern College's evening classes, because they're A LOT cheaper than the day classes. Applied to be a substitute teacher, but Polk is such a slow county for ANYTHING that there are several teachers who still haven't been "certified" properly and probably won't be until about September. Which sucks for them because they will still be labeled as Substitute Teachers, not regular teachers, and will more-than-likely get paid as a sub.

I've been working on my book. I have twenty-three pages so far. I was thinking about it last night and couldn't sleep so I got up to start working on it again. I'm going to try to stay awake today and work on it while all the kids are in school. THANK GOD FOR SCHOOL. The house will be quiet for the first time in over two and a half months during the day. Maybe I can actually get on a regular sleep schedule for once. It's been five years since I've been on a steady schedule, except for a month ago when I actually woke up every morning at 6:30 to bring Renee to work when she didn't have a car. Anyway, it'll be nice to actually have the computer to myself and be able to sit on it for as long as I want working on my book. I really need to. I haven't worked on it for almost a week. The ideas come and go, which really sucks because I get tired so I have to stop when I actually have an idea so I end up losing everything I don't write down. God, if I could remember half the stuff that keeps me up I'd be farther into it. Maybe not quite halfway, but who knows. Once the idea starts to flow, it just keeps going. There is the occasional moment when the muse just stops. That bitch.

Like now. See, don't piss her off or she won't help you out. Damn you, muse! Anyway, better get to work on my book anyway, seeing as how that's the reason I'm not in bed trying to get sleep. I don't think I've said this in a while, but I really do love you guys. I would like to say thank-you for being in my life, whatever happened between us. I've learned a lot from all of you, so thanks. Good-bye my dearest droogs.
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