Title: Boy Meets World
Characters: Martin Škrtel, Brian Kinney, Justin Taylor
Rating: R
Disclaimer: Any fictitious relationships described within is true in the land of imagination only.
Summary: This is a QAF(US)/Football crossover. Martin finds his way to Babylon and meets Brian Kinney.
A/Ns: This is for
aaahha. Happy birthday! I hope you like it and
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This was meant to be when Brian owned Babylon (and when it was the place to be again), so, even if he wasn't Brian Kinney, he would get what he wanted...
Yeah, as much as I dislike Brian's choice of lifestyle regarding Justin, I have to admit that he was honest about it. *shrugs*. I guess with footballslash, you can't really get honesty.
p.s. did you hear something baout an ex-Germany player going to blow the lid off who's gay in the German camp? Not that having gay German players is surprising to us, but to think that someone who disrespect their privacy, that's pretty ugh. =S
I hope whoever it was rethinks his choice. I mean, I'm all for being honest with the public, but at this current stage, I can't see it being very well accepted world wide and I won't ask anyone to take the burden of being the first few publicly out footballers whilst the public is still so against the idea.
Anyhoos, went off on a tangent there, I did. I'm ever so happy you liked it! If any other ideas come, I may just dabble in it, becuase I do so want to write about Ted, and Emmett and the rest of the crew as well. =D But really, I extremely scared of stuffing up X_X
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