Tarot Reading.

May 23, 2005 15:29

Hmm, odd. Prior this reading, Swords have always been dominiant in my readings, this time i was overwhelmed with Wands.

This is very peculiar. Though i suppose i'll post it here, and then reflect on what i found in the reading.

1) King of Wands : A Regal male Dragon flies upwards from the Moorish settlement we glimpsed earlier. Now we can see more clearly the beautiful dombed towers and Minaretes of this ancient city.
Meaning : A man of Leadership.

2) 10 of Wands : Our Guide flies high into the sky again, but again we find him surrounded by Firebrands as if they are hemming him in. Below him is a different kind of tower -- an Aztec pyramid, thus signifying a shift in his level of understanding. He clasps his hands to his head as if to say ' Leave me alone!'
Meaning : Don't get into carrying everyone else's burdens.

3) IX The Hermit : The Hermit Speaks. 'I am the Hermit, and I am a mystic. I have not been exiled from my own kind, like so many villainous Dragons with which your human history and legends abound. Formerly I had pwer and wealth, but found that I was still unhappy. THis is what prompted me to go away from the distractions of the world and off into the forests of the North in order to find myself through contemplation and meditation. Here I remain not wishing to influence anyone, nor wishing to be influenced. To find me, you do not have to journey bodily to some out-of-the-way place. To find me you must first of all be quiet, and in the stillness you will eventually begin to hear my voice within yourself.'
Meaning : Withdrawl, reconsideration.

4) 8 of Wands : Our Guide Dragon has successfully overcome the barriers which life has thrown on him and now flies across the sky, making up for the lost time. In the distance we see a tower, with the air of great anticipation, almost as if it is expecting him.
Meaning : Life speeding up, Things beginning to happen quickly.

5) 2 of Wands : A Flying Dragon flies between two smaller, younger Dragons. He is helping them settle a quarrel.
Meaning : Good advice is given and acted upon.

6) XX Judgment : Judgment Speaks 'As you can see from my purple coloring, I am a Royal Dragon, but my finction is to command all the material resources inside the earth, and ensure that they are provided in plentiful supply for the use of my nation. All minerals, deposits, and ores are under my authority. In order to bring these qualities to the surface, I have a vast army of creatures under my power to dig them out. Inside our mines we use many creatures from the territories, humans, giants, elves and dwarfs. Some are free to come and go as they wish. Others have sold themselves or been sold by others into slaverly. The anvil at the side represents the sheer pressure I must exert to ensure that these transformative processes take place. We each have our own sympolic minerals, in the form of qualities, abilities and characteristics. Through immense pressure and determination we are able to bring these out to the surface, where we may become able to make full use of them.'
Meaning : Powerful transformative energies. Immense pressure.

7) XVIII The Moon : The Moon Speaks 'Yes I am the first Dragon to have completed a flight to the Moon and back, and althought I have yet to complete my destination by getting back to the Palace, I feel a great sense of of completion in having completed my mission. I have been brought up from birth to accomplish the task of getting my people ready for the great leap into space which we know is our next evolutionary step. To be trapped here on earth is a terrible limition for us. Yet for ages we have looked for a way to make our return. To be fully prepared will require more from us that mere flight power. We will have to be capable of transforming our bodies fully, so that we can use the subtle cosmic and planetary energies for food. This is our next evloutionary step. It is rumored that there are even some humans who might wish to join us in this - are you one of them?'
Meaning : Completion fulfillment. The end of a major cycle. The world of dreams.

8) 5 of Swords : Two smaller Dragons find themselves separated by the blade of the middle sword. The third Dragon - our Guide - hovers over the situation as if in judgement.
Meaning : Crossed swords, and a parting of ways.

9) XI Justice : Justice Speaks 'I am Justice, and it is my function in Dragonland to decide how the many laws which govern our behaviour are to be intrepreted. We Dragons are, by our very nature, dusputatious and legalistic, insisting that all agreements and contracts fulfilled right down to the very letter of the law. Sometimes, in so doing, we actually miss the point and create injustice instaed. On a wider scale, I represent the law of cause and effect, which stated simply, means that for every action, there wukk be a reaction and for every reaction, there will be a counter reaction. So those of you who think they can continue their crimes must be warned: evenually you will have to pay the price, in one way or another!'
Meaning : Achieving a new sense of balance; Harmony.

10)Ace of Wands : In an ld library/laboratorywe see and Alchemist Dragon, using a special magic wand headed by a crystal piece, through which a light is emanating. To one side a firebrand brazier is burning, around which ivy is growing. On his wall is a diagram of the Plow or Great Bear constellation. All around the room, we see diverse implements for the use of magic and alchemy.
Meaning : Individual initiative. A new enterprise.

Well to start with, the swords have always protrayed me, though it is odd that there are so many Wands in this spread, also i find it odd that there are so many major Arcanna in this spread, Tho i would like to bing to everyones attention all the Wands, and to note the Moon, "Completion fulfillment. The end of a major cycle." (The suit of swords; the element air is shown here, which represents states of mind and states of conflict. The Suit of Wands or Firebrands; Here we have the element of fire represented, which indicates energy, action and power.)
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