I added a hit counter to my profile page. I'm nuts. That page needed a major overhaul, like in stuff that needed to be removed, replaced. The last thing I needed was more stuff to be added to the heap.
I think I'm going to make a start on that promised overhaul today. After I finished a promised ToS drabble. Yes. But for now, a meme-survey I
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Age: somewhere between 10 and 60 (ambiguous? me?)
Reason for LJ username: I wanted to be a doc. I liked the name Kokucho because it meant black swan (it's the national bird for Japan or something?) and as we all know, swans should be white. Ha. So finding it ironic enough to fit with my real name (which translated means something like Light Dark) I thought, what the heck, throw 'em together and you get a nice name. Dr. Ko.
Do you enjoy reading my LJ: Erm, yah.
Why?: Erm, no comment.
Interesting fact about you: My right eye hurts.
Weird fact about you: I sleep with clothes on.
Quote: To quote you (in english); "I shall make you chinese!"
Will you post this in your LJ: Erm, not the filled-out one, but sure I'll post the survey.
Picture: Of my ass?
Ask me a question: Heads or tails? (THE ultimate uke or seme question, people!)
1. A movie: Team America
2. A book: Maurice is okay-- d'oh, you've read everything I've read.
3. A musical artist, song, or album: D'oh. You listen to what I listen.
4. An LJ user not on my friends list: I dunno. The ones in mine don't really share ze interests you have. 8D;
5. Something to do in the next two months: Write. Write alot.
*cough* I will get around to making banners... Soon. XD;;
Just you wait, Doc. Just you wait. (If you keep repeating this enough, you'll notice how moronic this actually sounds XD)
And yes, that does sound quite stupid.
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