Sat, 17:30: RT @ Coelasquid: It’s great that we finally have AI to generate humans with various different body types and skin colours, something that ap…
Sat, 18:10: This is exactly what anime fans sound like to those outside that immediate circle and I, for one, welcome this opportunity to bully people who watch movies and shove them into nerd lockers.
Sat, 18:25: RT @ mka_ultra: the internet archive is a public good, unequivocally. we should all care about making and keeping information available and…
Sat, 18:46: RT @ NichTopher: Watching KJK utilise white woman's tears to incite hatred against marginalised communities is something to be expected. Wh…
Sat, 18:46: RT @ IwriteOK: this is the shit i worry about much more than deepfakes. people don't need deepfakes to create conspiracies. but AI image gen…
Sun, 06:44: RT @ Omahdon: This is exactly what anime fans sound like to those outside that immediate circle and I, for one, welcome this opportunity to…