Feb 02, 2011 22:40
Time-Flight 3
The Master's Tardis went all 'splody. The parts around him are from it. He constructed the time corridor in an attempt to escape. He steals the Doctor's Tardis and leaves.
When the Doctor isn't looking, he comes back. Two of the pilots rush inside and hide before the Master return. They try to sabotage it. He realizes it, does something, then exits, leaving them to their fate.
For convoluted reasons, the Master has kidnapped a race of aliens to power his Tardis. They are struggling against him.
Nyssa and Tegan take a nap.
* * *
You know how sometimes in life, you'll see an accident happen in front of you and time seems to slow down, perhaps even come to a grinding halt as the vehicles involved slowly rush towards each other, and you're helpless to do anything about it other than watch?
That's this story.
Someone read this script and said "The Master, a genie, let's throw in some aliens for no reason, we'll let the companions take a nap, feature the Doctor for less than 3 minutes in a show that bears his name, and it'll be awesome!" That person should be struck upside the head with a large, blunt object.
The first episode was pretty impressive, with the location filming and such. Then it went downhill. And then somebody strapped booster rockets on, and it went downhill even faster.
This story sucks with a capital F.
project: who