Jan 21, 2011 21:00
The Visitation 4
The Doctor short-circuits the electronics holding Tegan and Mace's minds. The trio escapes.
Bowie gets inside the Tardis. Nyssa destroys him with the machine she's been building. Adric comes in (he escaped somehow) and nags her. The two of them try to move the Tardis closer to the Doctor.
The whole group goes to London chasing Bowie's Boss. They fight. Things go all 'splodey. It causes a "pudding land" fire. Our heroes depart, going to the next adventure.
* * *
I feel so sorry for Sarah Sutton during this story. She has nothing to do. The few scenes she had after the first episode were all in the Tardis, and may have taken a total of a half-hour to film. It was nice of her to come along for the ride and pop in to say "Hi, I'm still here!" once an episode, but that's got to suck for the actress.
I know she has a lot to do in the next story. Was this to make up for the double-time she gets with two characters later? It doesn't seem like much of a trade. But whatever.
The giant lizard man looked familiar. As in, Timelash familiar. It's the teeth and odd nose, I know, but as it was laying down in the fire, with half the face burned, it reminded me of the costume and makeup on that character from Timelash. It just makes me wonder, when they were getting ready to film that in a couple years, did a designer go "Hey, I've got an idea" and pointed to this one? It's not exactly the same, but looks similar.
project: who