A Magickal Life presents Maxine Sanders!

May 28, 2009 07:03

I've been meaning to post about this for a while, but this is my first opportunity. My coven has formed a group, A Magickal Life, to bring Maxine Sanders to America for a book tour and lecture.

This is an outstanding opportunity to hear from a woman who has lived the life of a Pagan Priestess, been part of the founding of a religious movement (the Alexandrian tradition), and made Neo-paganism part of household consciousness.

She'll be coming to Seattle and giving a reading from her new book, Firechild, presenting a lecture, and there will even be a party for sponsors, staff members, and volunteers with her.

Maxine will be here from August 21 through August 23, 2009. You can purchase your tickets for the lecture and the party right now at the website.
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