(no subject)

Mar 05, 2005 20:22

Well why the fuck not make another entry on this big-ol-peice-of-shit. Everything in a nutshell ::takes deep breathe:: wenttovictoriasthenthemalllastlastfridaysawsomepeopleoff6daysduetosnowandsicknessstillslightlysicknotsurewhyimnotevensurewhyimwritinglikethisbutwhogivesafuckidont. Ok then, so it wasnt everything, read it at my dj www.deadjournal.com/users/omagoch/ woo. Hmm...::looks around room::...nothing here worth talking about.
I recently put of this kick ass spiky ball things on my ceiling. It like one of those balls at walmart in the massive containers where everyone takes the balls out of the bottom, bounce them, then throw them back in, like those, only it has little nubs on it...nubs...lmao, funny. I realized the only thing I need to make my room complete is one of those little electricity ball thingys. I have: 3 black lights, strobe light, 2 shot glasses, tond of candles, little fountain-like thing, lava lamp, alf poster, 2 optical allusion posters, one war poster, crucified teddy bear:P, palm leaves, shingles (hell yeah), mirror, invader zim folder and postcard with the fling hamster of doom on it, a few pictues from my polariod camera <3 , tv, xbox, big bed, and a ton of other crap that I cant remember. Well, that was a fun update. The funnest one yet on lj, even though i wont get comments attempting to make fun of me and instead making me crack up untill my side splits in half. ok, maybe they werent that funny, but nontheless they were funny. Im out.
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