So I found myself tired and in bed by 10 p.m. tonight. W. drifted right off to sleep, but I laid in bed plotting on my novel and short story spin off. By 11:41 p.m. I realized that I was not going to fall asleep any time soon. I decided to try to plot (attempt to write) some more on the computer. And then I decided to get caught up on all of Jackson Pierce's vlogs (
watchmebe). Quite entertaining.
I even tried to start work early. Granted, it was only about 9:30 California time and the newspaper doesn't go to bed until approximately midnight out there, so that level of productiveness ended very quickly.
1. Does anyone know how to get ants out of your car?
2. I'm having difficulty making decisions concerning how to organize my desk (newly transfered from my parents house). The commitment is killing me.
3. I finally finished Stephen King's On Writing tonight.
4. Now that I have a bookcase and a desk positioned perpendicular to one other, I find myself using a "real" dictionary frequently. And I like that no one is logging my search habits and linking them with my IP address.
5. Now that it's after 1 a.m. I think I will try for sleep again.