Today I decided to clean up our bookshelf. The clutter has been annoying me for a while, but as it's next to J's chair (formerly known as my chair) I never really go over there. And as he tends to use the area as the catch all for his mail & stuffs, I decided to give him his own shelf for that sorta thing.
That somehow doesn't show how many stray papers and junk there was. Oh, it probably was on the floor in front of it, :p
These are in no way all my books. My two smaller bookshelfs are still sitting mostly full at my moms house (in my former room, now teenage boy black-light/beer-postered hang out (*cries forever for my awesome room*).
& Just in case you want to try to see what the books are (I know i always do)
Top Shelf: Iching cards with a box of Olympics-themed chopsticks (jeremy's Chinese ex-gf gave them to him), a painting by my really awesome artist/shaumbra friend,
Anthony Butkovich, drawing doll, faerie painting, Angel cards.
Second Shelf: Sketchpad, Nametag from Delta Zeta recruitment last fall, Harry Potter, 1st & last twilight, the Samerillion (sp- a lord of the rings prequelish book), Le Morte De Arthur (which is in english) What to expect when you're expecting, a massage book, love signs, Nobody Pasess: Rejecting the rules of gender & conformity, The Making of India, writing pads, middle school yearbooks, Language workbooks/books for Hindi, Arabic & Chinese
tons of random books. The thing on the left of the top shelf is a starish thing my friend/ little ("little sis" in the sorority, i'm her "big sis") got in Japan, where she's been teaching english & dating a soccer player (oolala), the box is a green tea incense kit from Japan from her too, A picture of the Imagine thing in Central Park with the Lyrics, "Baby!" candle one of my sisters made me, a duckie J won for baby at the carnival, the box has my wedding band in it, lol, a friend from Chinese class got us that Ai/Love thingie for our housewarming gift :)
Big books, photo albums, my DZ binder a sister made for me (with my name) genealogy stuffs, etc.
Anyway, feels better now that there is organization! :)
I also scrubbed the counters & swept the kitchen floor and aired out the blankets/sheets, got the bedsheets washed, etc. I can only get things done if i am home alone for extended periods of time, so hopefully J will be gone for a while again tomorrow just so i can clean the bathroom & one day when he's gone for the longest amount of time possible, the closet. DUN DUN DUN.. Closet is huge and a complete wreck. That will take a lot of time & energy & willpower @_@.