Reminders that you're pregnant:

May 06, 2009 10:51

You suddenly (but very expectedly exactly 2 hours after you last ate) are quite possibly starving to death you MUST EAT or the world will promptly end. So you get up and stumble through the living room to the kitchen, where the intense dizzyness of standing catches up to you and your vision goes black as your hand flails about int he cupboard trying to find a plate on which to very quickly reheat some mac & cheese pre-made for these very occasions.

You micorwave it, and must consume  it all at a break-neck speed before you find yourself able to leave the kitchen, as it is clearly the most delicious thing that has ever entered any mouth, ever.

You go sit down to blog about it, distracted by the fact that the second you press "post" you will be reheating even more.

...And actually you go do that before you managed to press the post..

EDIT: And then you remeber that you are making excessive amounts of relaxin and therefore your digestive muscles really don't do anything but..relax so your stomach and esophogus freak out on you for eating more than 3 spoonfuls.

And unrelated, I happened to look down at my feet earlier. They were so purple they were almost black. my crazy bruises from dropping that huge metal thing on my toe-joints last week were completely invisble in the crazy new color my feet had taken on. They aren't really swollen or anything (isn't it to early for that) But uh... did I get frostbite or some weird disease without realizing it?!

One of my DZ sisters took me out for a free pedicure last night & I got NEON pink... so now it looks super insense on black feet. I think you could see them from space.
I wonder if i'm dying... (lol)
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