Nov 26, 2005 13:41
it only took 2 entries to catch up and now i'm back to the ho hum of the daily grind...
ho hum my ass. today i am going to meet dj spooky!
if you don't know who dj spooky (that subliminal kid) is...take a moment to visit
he wrote a new book called rhythm science and he is signing it today at the museum of fine arts houston at 3pm. it is part of a jean michel basquiat exhibit that is going on that i am also very stoked about seeing. then tonight dj spooky will perform INSIDE the museum!
i am definitely going to try and get the move on the Jackson Museum of Fine Art to do some events directed at the youth...(it is neat how to me youth now means 0-45 years...with some exceptions beyond for those feeling frisky) i really appreciate their jazz events. surely our art museum could become a hub of activity.
create create create.
how dare we consider our slightly nuanced lives a series of meaningless actions. even lifting a cup of decaffienated coffee can be a tribute to the gods. a slightly twisted salute to the absurdities.
God. Creation. One and the same.
i assert the muses have renamed themselves the absurdities. insiring as they do with the emotions of countless wishes integrating into unmeditated movement. inspired? yes.
make life a series of serious wink wink nudge nudge guffaw-provoking mocks nodding toward life and death issues with a punchline to unsettling not to laugh.
it is all o.k.
we are all striding toward our individual mecca's, kicking the dirt into irrigation canals to propagate our unforseen consequences. We are constantly mixing the tunes of our environment into amalgamations of artistic integrity. We are cut n paste wizards co-opting the resources for our own little dandelion wishes.
there is only one war for freedom.
we are winning when we smile.
we are winning when we cry.
we are winning.