Nov 04, 2010 17:33
Five things I'm thankful for this week:
1) I'm thankful Wee One got me back to exercising on a daily basis. Doing the Fun Run with her was the kick in the bum that I needed to make exercise a priority again.
2) I'm thankful Wee Two always wants to go outside to play. I would never spend 30 to 60 minutes outside most days of the week if it weren't for her love of the outdoors. Sadly it was too rainy today to go out and play.
3) I'm thankful Trophy Husband is thinking ahead to Thanksgiving and already suggested to his parents that they take both pirates for a 2-night sleepover starting Thanksgiving evening. This way Trophy Husband and I can spend the day together. Perhaps we'll go to the movies and out to dinner.
4) I'm thankful my mother-in-law got frustrated with her ITouch and gave it to me. I'm having fun exploring the wonderful world of apps. and am enjoying the free Louvre Museum and MoMA apps which let me explore art without leaving my couch.
5) I'm thankful for books. Wee One has started reading a few books all on her own with no hesitation. Woo hoo! Wee Two is now requesting chapter books with few pictures as a nap time read. I just finished "The Postmistress" by Sarah Blake and enjoyed her strong female characters.