Sean Hannity is really not having any of this price increase in crude oil coming from the powers-that-be at OPEC. Particularly incensed at Kuwait, the Fox News host criticized that nation’s oil minister Friday night for “lecturing us” and suggested that the United States “has every right to go in there and, frankly, take all their oil.”
Hannity, who was discussing the crude oil situation with his “Great American Panel,” expressed outrage at the proposed price increases in oil, especially those coming from Kuwait. “This country would not exist for us, and the oil minister is out there lecturing us,” he criticized. Then he turned to Iraq, wondering why they aren’t “paying us back with oil” for the American military’s toppling of Saddam Hussein. “Why didn’t they pay for their own liberation?”
As neither country, to Hannity, had paid their dues, he felt that “we have every right to go in there and, frankly, take all their oil and make them pay for their liberation,” especially when “they’re gouging us” despite being nations of abundant wealth. The panel seemed to agree with Hannity on the egregious pricing of crude oil and the way it hurts America, but did not express the same approval of importing Iraqi or Kuwaiti oil without asking for permission, on the moral premise that the U.S. military liberated both nations.
The segment via Fox News below: