Today's kind of been a meh day. I'm not unhappy or anything, but it feels like I've lost something, and I keep expecting something to happen. It's also kind of like I need to be somewhere. A few times today I had the distinct feeling of needing to do something, and I would have done it if I had known what I was supposed to do. It's kind of dumb since there's nothing I'm missing right now. I have a list of things I need to do in my head:
~Finish reading Atlas Shrugged
~Finish Everything Flows
~Finish Harry Potter og de vises stein
~Finish "On Living"
~Finish planning and writing World War II fic thing
~Finish my Liet app
~Clean the bathroom
~Plan the trip to Minnesota
Only some of that is substantial. Looking at it now it's kind of embarrassing. I don't know. I feel distant from people recently, but it's not because I'm unhappy. I just am.