What is your name?: Lynne McSwain
When were you born?: May 17, 1987
Where do you live?: Greensboro
Are you male of female?: Female
How tall are you?: 5 foot 10
What color hair do you have?: Brown
Is it your real hair color? If not what is?: it's natural
Do you have glasses/contacts?: no
What color are your eyes?: blue
If you are a male...do you have any facial hair?: n/a
What is your ethnic background?: white - scottish and german
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: yup
If so...what is thier name?: Dustin
If you do not have a partner do you have a crush?: n/a
Are you or have you ever been in love?: yes
What is your religion?: Non denominational Protestant (christian)
Do you have any nicknames?: I have a lot, actually
Do you play any sports?: I used to
What are your hobbies?: I don't really have time for them anymore, but I do theatre still when I can. I also play the flute and swim
~*Either/ Or*~
McDonalds Or Burger King?: mmmm... mcdonalds
Chicken or Beef?: beef
Dogs or Cats?: i love them both, but at this moment im inclined to say cats
White chowder or Red chowder?: um... white
West coast or East coast?: east
English or Math?: english
Pants or Shorts?: pants
Sweatshirts with hoods or sweatshirts without hoods?: with hoods
Salty or Sweet?: salty
Fluff or Jelly?: jelly
Summer or Winter?: summer
Hot dogs or Hamburgers?: hamburgers
Football or Baseball?: football
French Fries or Onion rings?: onion rings
Contacts or Glasses?: glasses
Coffee or Tea?: coffee
Soda or Juice?: juice
Skiing or Swimming?: swimming
Rings or Bracelets?: rings
~*When is the last time you...*~
Talked on the phone?: last night
Laughed?: last night
Hugged someone?: few hours ago
Kissed someone?: see above
Told someone you loved them....and meant it?: before i left dustins
Drove?: home from dustins
Ate?: at dustins
Danced?: umm.... on stage last month
Rode a roller coaster?: couple of weeks ago at disney world
Went out to dinner?: about a week ago
Swam in the ocean?: this summer
Went to a concert?: its been a while
Bought yourself something new?: school supplies on sunday
Worked?: sunday night
Played a board game?: thursday night
Went to a party?: if bowling counts, then friday night after work, otherwise... a month?
Saw your best friend?: few hours ago
Saw a shooting star?: a while
Got nervous/happy butterflies?: before the show in dec.
~*Do You...*~
Like to cook?: sorta
Have any piercings?: ears
How about tattoos?: yes
Do you drink?: no
Smoke?: no
Do Drugs?: no
Have cable/satellite televison?: yes
Go to school?: yes
Actually like school?: yes
Like to read?: yes
Like to play video games?: umm.... kind of
Eat vegetables?: yes
Eat seafood?: yes
Have the ability to curl your tongue?: yes
Like to shop?: yes
Like to go to clubs?: no
Like to dress up?: yes
Do you or did you go to school dances?: i did
Like your job (if you have one)?: no, but i like the people i work with
~*Which one of your friends...*~
Do you have the most memories with?: becky or dustin
Do you have the most in common with?: becky
Is the loudest?: sharon
Is the most attractive?: becky
Is the funniest?: lauren
Do you trust the most while in the car?: dustin
Do you trust the least while in the car?: sharon (i love you, but you crazy)
Do you tell the most secrets to?: dustin
Has told you the most secrets?: dustin
Makes you nervous?: becky
Has the biggest wardrobe?: ha probably skippy
Has the nicest car?: all pretty equal
Is always late?: skippy
Is always happy?: oh lord, none of them
Is the most hyper?: sharon
Has the worst taste in the opposite sex?: i dont dislike their tastes, really
Is the smartest?: dustin
Is the most photogenic?: umm... skippy
Has the best job?: dustin, on account of he doesnt have to pretend to like rude people
~*Ouick thoughts to ponder*~: the world wont stop for you, so you better keep up
What came first the chicken or the egg?: a circle has no beginning
Is the glass half empty or half full?: depends on the day, the glass, and whats in it
Describe your perfect date:: anything within a mile of the ocean
Describe your ideal vacation spot:: figure eight island
What are some qualities you'd like your significant other to have?: loyal, honest, sensitive, funny, smart
Describe your dream job:: teaching, but being paid buttloads for it
Describe your dream ride?: ride like person, roller coaster or car?
If you could be anywhere in the world right now where would you be?: figure eight island
If you could speak to one person dead or alive who would it be?: my dad
If you could be anyone or anything in the world what would it be?: stage actor
Why did you take this survey?: i woke up in the middle of the night
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