Mar 29, 2006 00:10
Spring break is going well so far.
Last year, every day was out-and-about. I was so rushed and exhillerated (sp?). But this spring break is a tad different. Not bad different. Just different. It's been slower, and a lot more clam, and too many of my friends are gone. But oh well.
Eric said he wants to have a party like last spring break. I hope he does.
the stores by College Square. With eric and kate.
It is sad that I haven't done that beforehand. But I was well overdo for a good roof run. It was fun. Then kate and I went down and had a walk-by arguement with some drunk fool.
Then we sat at the riverwalk and listened to ducks quack, then fall asleep. It was a good time.
Spring break continues on....