I don't know if everyone saw
this post in
must_be_pop today or not but it's worth a read. I don't necessarily agree with everything she said but she does raise some valid points. One of the things I miss is the chats we used to have in the OV. I can honestly say that some of the funniest things I ever read came from there and I'd like to see them happen again. I think it would be good for the community and it would help us to get to know people outside our sport. I know most of the skaters but I'd like to get to know some of the other athletes too. Thoughts? Feedback? "Shae get the hell off my friends page?" Anything?
One more modly thing and I will leave you to whatever it is you're doing right now. Please don't forget to nominate for The Rings. I believe the deadline is Thursday. The response was overwhelmingly in favor of having them but we can't have them if people don't nominate! So please if you haven't, do so soon. You don't have to nominate in every category..I know it's tough if you don't know people in some of them..but at least try to do the general ones and your sport.
That's all I have to say tonight. I will leave you with
this.. It's not related to sports but it is hysterical.