Well not really but I wanted a subject that would catch someone's eye. Several people have asked and since it doesn't matter to any of the mods..well not to me and Elena, I haven't talked to Jose..I should add him to my buddylist but anyway..here is a poll regarding the Rings. I'll keep it up until the end of the week and there will be an announcement on Saturday. Okay? Cool.
One more thing. The following people have invitations pending. Please accept them in your community invitations. In case they don't have us added, please if you know them, tell them so they participate in the fun here! ;)
cecilia82d_pelletierevgeniplushenkoj_roenickjamie_salemeissneroksanadomninaraycrofttanithbelbinteter_htimhudson That's all for now. Don't forget to vote in the poll below.
Poll Rings 2006 I should add an explanation for our new members. The Rings are the OV's version of the MBP awards. They're open to community members only and we usually have them this time of year. Since we weren't sure how people felt about them, I made this poll. They're a lot fun but sometimes get a little out of hand..haha. So there you go, sorry I forgot to explain myself.
Love and all that,