Colonoscopy--Part One

Jan 20, 2005 16:29

...and at long last, my least favorite day of the year has arrived. That's right, kids, it's the day before my annual Colonoscopy. For those of you who have not been playing along at home, I have Colitis. (Sometimes I like to call it the big "C"). Colitis is basically ulcers that sit on the stomach and when "activated" (much like a volcano) they press down on the stomach-food can not digest properly- and the end result is, typically, though not always, diarrehea. I am going on year number three of having the big C, and am more "content and knowledge" about the illness that I was the first year.

Back to the Colonoscopy. The actual procedure is a piece of cake, as they knock you out...and then you wake up several hours later, not even sure anything was done to you. But trust me, you were violated! Anyway, the DAY BEFORE the procedure, (today!), is the evil day. To get "ready" for tomorrow's fun, I have to drink three fluid ounces of an oral laxative, and then wait for it to start working. Once it does, watch out, as you will be "pooping like never before". To an outside observer, it really is fun to watch people run to the bathroom, but to the person running to the bathroom...yea, not so much fun.

Anyway, "if" my stomach permits, I shall have updates throughout the evening of "Colonoscopy Watch 05". Ahh, the good times we are going to have tonight....

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