Fuck you (Anonymous)

Aug 14, 2006 19:05

Ok (Anonymous) go fuck yourself. Seriously if you have something nasty to say have the balls to at least leave your name.

Now I'm going to educate you... Here is your comment on my last entry.

2006-08-14 10:33 pm UTC (from (link) Select
Your icon is fucking disgusting. Why are you sexualizing children like that? Are you a fucking pedophile. You fucking disgust me. Kill yourself.
(Reply to this)

Alrighty then, first of all it's not my icon it's a photo. To be more specific it's a photo behind a cut. Work on you internet vocabulary.

Sexualizing my child? Yum she's completely clothed iin that picture with a copmpletely clothed adult. Hum not much sexualization here. For your information it's called co-sleeping. Look it up, you might mearn something.

Pedophile- a definition: The word comes from the Greek paidophilia (παιδοφιλια)-pais (παις, "child") and philia (φιλια, "love, friendship"). Paidophilia was coined by Greek poets as a substitute for "paiderastia" (pederasty).[2]

The term paedophilia erotica was coined in 1886 by the Vienna psychiatrist Richard von Krafft-Ebing in his writing Psychopathia Sexualis.[3] He gave the following characteristics:

the sexual interest is toward children, either prepubescent or at the beginning of puberty
the sexual interest is the primary one, that is, exclusively or mainly toward children
the sexual interest remains over time

Yeah not sex mentioned in that post. Nothing remotely sexual.
It seems to me that you have the dirty mind and are thinking nasty and disgusting thoughts. I think you are projecting the guilt you have about your pedophilic thoughts. One word for you- therapy.

"You fucking disgust me." Feeling is mutual.

"Kill yourself"- I would never give you the pleasure.

So mister troll fuck off.
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