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May 21, 2011 19:04

Fic round-up! Three from a challenge at twelvecolonies and two from this year's bsg_remix.

Title: The Arrow that Flies
Date posted: 04-12-11
Fandom: BSG
Beta thanks: littledivity
Disclaimer: These characters definitely don't belong to me, but instead RDM.
Characters: Laura, Billy
Notes: Original story Houses of Tomorrow by miabicicletta

Title: Sons of Aerilon
Date posted: 04-08-11
Fandom: BSG
Beta thanks: littledivity
Disclaimer: These characters definitely don't belong to me, but instead RDM.
Characters: Julius and Gaius Baltar
Spoilers: Through the beginning of season three
Notes: Original story Magnus by frakcancer

Title: There are worse things I could do
Date posted: 05-01-11
Fandom: BSG
Disclaimer: These characters definitely don't belong to me, but instead RDM.
Spoilers: Up to and including the finale.
Notes: Written for the twelvecolonies prompt of Ellen + "There are worse things I could do."

There are women that would accept their husband’s arrest as an unfortunate turn of events, as something they couldn’t control. These are women that cry and wring their hands, who sob at their neighbors and lie to their children, the women who gave up at thirty, the women who take no pride in their appearance. These women are soft and well-liked.

Ellen is neither soft nor particularly well-liked, and when her husband is arrested she cries to herself and no one else. But even though she could not have stopped the Cylons, she has never encountered a situation she couldn’t control. The morning after Saul is taken, she puts on her second best outfit- she’ll save the first, in case- and some lip gloss and goes to Cylon head quarters.

When she gets to the gate there is a feeling of strangely empty foreboding, like she shouldn’t go in there, but also that she should be quaking or fearful. She should be afraid of the Cylons, but she wasn’t. Saul was important, that’s why they wanted him in custody, but certainly they could be reasoned with or convinced to let him go. There had to be something human-like about them, didn’t there, if humans had created them? Ellen would use anything she could to manipulate them.

“Hello?” She calls out- not tentatively, but not brash either. “There seems to have been some mistake.”

When a Cylon comes towards her, one of the blonde ones that Ellen can’t help but think is prettier than she needs to be, Ellen laughs merrily, to show how silly the entire situation is. They messed up, of course, but Ellen is magnanimous enough to forgive them. “A misunderstanding, I’m sure,” she coos before the Cylon can speak. “I’d love if I could speak to someone who could help me straighten things out. I’m Ellen Tigh.”

The Cylon’s eyes narrow for just a second, as if trying to place the name, and then in quick succession there is a flash of realization and then pity. Pity. Ellen fights down a surge of panic, and flips her hair over her shoulder, smiling brightly. “Of course, Mrs Tigh,” the Cylon says, signaling at someone off to her right. The gates open. “I’ll take you to see someone about this situation.”

It takes a different kind of courage to step inside the gates, Ellen finds. She’s never actually seen anybody go inside. There are the bullet-head metal ones, the Centurions, patrolling the perimeter and guarding the entrance to the building, and even though they’re made differently now they still give Ellen the same chill she got as a little girl during the war. She fleetingly thinks how lucky they are that it’s so cloudy on New Caprica, or else the sunlight bouncing off the Centurions would blind them.

The Cylon takes her to the building, where another one waits, the old man version. His smile is sickeningly sweet, and Ellen’s stomach turns as he looks her up and down. “Mrs Tigh,” he says, oozing oily charm, “You have some things you want to discuss?”

Ellen could tell that he was the one with the power by the way he spoke to her, the way he looked so haughty. He was the one who could release Saul. Most Colonials felt that any negotiations with the Cylons was an act of treason, but Ellen didn’t care. She put on her prettiest smile, tilted her face so that her face fell appealingly, and she took his arm.

Title: For the things you do endear you to me
Date posted: 05-01-11
Fandom: BSG
Disclaimer: Not mine still, again, some more.
Notes: Written for twelvecolonies's prompts Gaius/Caprica + ardent + for the things you do endear you to me.

It wasn’t that Gaius hadn’t been demonstrative before. Even when she had been one of many, he had never felt the need to curtail his inherently affectionate nature: he liked to walk with his arm around her waist or their hands clasped, and to hell with who saw them (it was thrilling, the risk of being caught. She knew this about him. It was why he would usher one girl out minutes before meeting the next.)

But it’s different now, the intensity. He loves her, and only her, and he’s aware of it in a way he hadn’t been before. The result of this is overwhelming to Caprica, who has spent so much of her life taking what scraps of love was tossed in her direction. They had always slept entwined, but he had never stroked her hair to calm her into sleep. When they walk together, his arm around her isn’t possessive so much as protective. And when he tells her that he loves her, his message is a statement of fact rather than a means of manipulation.

The scope of his love leaves her breathless, and she wouldn’t have it any other way

Title: Scientific Beauty
Date posted: 05-01-11
Fandom: BSG
Disclaimer: Not mine!
Notes: For twelvecolonies's prompts Sam + music

Music and science are the same to Sam.

He was writing music by the time he was fourteen, strains of new music thundering against the confines of his brain, demanding to be let loose upon the sheets of music. The science came later, but he could no more resist the call to scribble music notes than he could to write down his scientific theories- the longer he holds, the more furious the maelstrom of his thoughts become until they fairly burst forth out of his mind and onto the page.

The results are the same: beautiful and harmonious arrangements of notes and numbers, flowing and beautiful in their simplicity. It’s always hard for Sam to understand how see people view his work as difficult, or his musical abilities as miraculous- to him they’re as natural as breathing.

It isn’t until he meets Ellen Tigh that anyone fully understands his work. Even at his job before his thoughts always outstripped the work he was doing. Doctor Tigh understands, though, and challenges him to push his ideas further, giving him theoreticals to consider instead of waiting for him to arrive at them on his own, and he had never found anything so exhilarating in his life. This science crowds out the music, whirling around his brain as he orchestrates experiments and creates masterpieces.

lauroslin, remix, gaius, ellen tigh, caprica, sam anders, six, billy, bsg

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