Something Blue

Sep 11, 2009 22:04

Title: Something Blue
Date posted: 09-11-09
Fandom: Alias
Disclaimer: Nothing recognizable is mine.
Spoilers: Pre-series, so nothing.
Notes: yahtzee63 wrote a fic wherein Jack and Nadia got together a tiny bit, then cut off. When I asked for more, she asked for other writers to participate in alias500's challenge of "marriage." And God knows I love me some WWBH, so I ponied up.

Huge thanks to non_horation for her ideas!

Irina had never given much thought to getting married- the institution seemed a waste to her- but the few times she had considered it, it was always Katya's face she saw next to hers in the mirror before the event.

"Blot," Emily says firmly, holding out a tissue, and Irina does. Most of the mirror is taken up by Emily's cloud of ringlets, but to the right is her own face, eyes wide and face flushed prettily. They've ignored the knocks on the door as Emily fussed over Irina's hair, exclaiming over the glossy lengths as she combed it, her face a study in concentration as she talked vaguely about her own wedding day.

Downstairs, Jack and Arvin are waiting. Arvin is holding the bouquet Emily picked up on her way, slowly wilting white roses. Irina is not close to Emily- or anyone, really- but she can feel the pull gaining strength. Marrying Jack will make her an agency wife, and Emily will no doubt feel obligated to include her in things. Their husbands are best friends, it only makes sense.

"The day I married Arvin, I was so nervous I could hardly eat," Emily is saying as she rearranges the drape of Irina's neckline. "And I was shaking like a leaf. But then I was standing next to him and was just..." She looks up at Irina to smile reassuringly. "You'll see." She mistakes Irina's silence for anxiety, and Irina huffs out a nervous laugh.

"I'm all right," she says, voice high, and Emily takes half a step back to admire her handiwork.

"You look beautiful, Laura," and then with a frown, "But I don't have anything blue."

"Excuse me?"

"This is the downside of spontaneity. I can lend you my earrings, and we'll just have to make due with the lipstick being new, and everything else you're wearing is old enough. But I have nothing blue."

Irina has a flare of annoyance when she realizes that she really has no idea what Emily is talking about. "Don't worry about it. We should go down now."

Emily swaps earrings with her, lamenting that she wore pearls instead of the aquamarines, and leads her downstairs, to where Jack is solemn and Arvin is beaming.

"We can't find anything blue," Emily announces, and both the men seem to understand what she means. "Do either of you have anything?"

Irina watches as they both pat their pockets, check colors of ties and socks, until Arvin remembers that his cuff links are silver with dark blue enamel. Emily wastes no time in finding a place to affix the spot of blue, relief fairly radiating off her. "Now you'll have all the luck in the world, Laura," she says warmly, and Arvin puts the arm missing a cuff link around his wife's shoulders.

irina, sloane, emily, alias, alias500, jack

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