General stuff

Sep 14, 2008 10:18

It's been a while I know.  I'm still ultra busy with the house these days but yesterday and today are off days because of the weather (hot, humid, and muddy)  and tomorrow is off because it's my birthday.    So what have I been doing.  I've finally got the last of the concrete that I intend to break up, broken up.  That turned out to be a mess.  I ended up braking it up the hard way, with a sledge hammer.  I couldn't use an electric jack hammer because the power levels kept dropping off and the thing wouldn't run.  Going pneumatic was too expensive.  Now the next hard part, get a dumpster and load it.  I may rent a skid steer loader to speed that up and do some other things on the yard like move some dirt and rip out a couple of bushes that don't want to come out.

In the front of the house where there was concrete, I planted five new bushes on Thursday.  Fall being the best time to plant shrubs is also the best time to buy them since they are 50% off in price. I still have some work to do around them to make the area look all nice and stuff but I'm waiting for it to be less muddy with all of the rain I've been getting since Friday.

With some recent cooler weather I went back into the attic and finally installed the bathroom exhaust fan to the roof vent.  Of course that didn't go as easily planned but it's finally done.  I've also re-started after a several year hiatus placing the extra layer of insulation in the attic.  I hadn't realized how much more I have to do.  First order of business is to finish up with the insulation I have stored up there before getting more.

Trip wise I was in Fargo, ND last week visiting some friends.  It's been 25 years since we all first met there when we started university.  I had a laugh about one of my friends and his now pregnant wife.  They are both so clean, I don't know how they are going to survive with a kid as they were constantly following one of their friends kids picking up little things.  This upcoming Saturday I have a meeting in Niagara Falls, NY.,  I'm actually leaving Thursday morning to take the slow, nine hour train ride up there.  This is an experiment to see if I can handle long period of time in a slow train.  I prefer high speed trains and even then I get a bit fidget after five hours.  Friday will be spent exploring the Canadian side of the river.  I'm fly back on Sunday morning.

That's it for now.
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