Oct 20, 2007 21:12
Work really has be down at the moment. I guess I should be happy I still have a job. A lot of people were made redunant Friday and I think some more on Monday too. I'm glad I'm hiding out in Fairfax again next week. I've survived this round and surprisingly one of the people I suspect dislikes me the most is one of my champions (no I don't have photos) I don't know if I'll survive the next round as I'm one of the higher paid people (for living is a very expensive place to live) but I do have a lot of licenses that they need to even offer the companies services in many States. I have serious doubts of the companies suvival past March to be honest. They made some stupid changes almost 3 years ago and I figured they'd see the errors of their ways after no more than nine months but I was wrong. They seem to be on a "stay the course" straight to failure.
I think I need to find something else to do, Too bad I don't like the Washington DC area and the travel restrictions the US Gov't places on it's employees as I was asked today about considering a position at the State Dept. and The National Park Service.