Jan 24, 2008 11:21
Decisions, decisions... Go for the cheaper costume that looks brand new, or save up for the more expensive one that's been "distressed" (but because of the price, I may not have for this year)?
I've found a few knitting patterns for fingerless gloves. Although I can already tell they're not close enough to "screen-accurate" for my taste. I haven't been able to go see the movie again, so I can only go by the screencaps.
Then again, thanks to YouTube I have a few clips in my favorites; but because of the way they were captured, all they're good for is to tide me over 'til the dvd. Or, if one were so inclined, to rehearse "blocking" (yeah, don't ask... )
My only misgiving about doing this at this point is because of not having the body type. But wth... I'm not alone in that department, especially at a con...
Can I lose about 40 lbs. in 8 months...? :-\